Your Daily Cup Of Inspiration

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You have power!

Daily Cup family, I’ve missed you. I have received numerous messages questioning where I’ve been. Well, the weeks leading up to the inaugural Activate Intercessors Regional Prayer and Worship Conference were very busy. Praying, planning, meeting, organizing and working hard to pull the vision together consumed my time. Last week, I took time off to rest, replenish and allow God to restore and refill me. That way, when I returned to you, I would have something to pour into you.

Though the effort was great and took its toll on me, let me tell you, it was worth all the sacrifice. God met us mightily and even exceeded my expectations. I can hardly believe this great gathering is over.

I will never forget it. The Western New York region, I believe, will not be the same. God has birthed revival and I’m honored that He chose me to help facilitate that.

To those of you who traveled from both near and far to be a part of Activate, thank you for pressing your way. I pray you received everything you have been believing God to do. And for those of you who could not make it, but prayed for the endeavor, I am eternally grateful. The Lord heard and answered.

When we came together, we believed for miracles, signs and wonders and God revealed Himself. We were unified as we waited on the Lord to engulf us in His glory and He did just that.

I’m reminded of Acts 1:8. Before Jesus ascended to Heaven after His resurrection, He told the apostles, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses..."

So they waited on the manifestation of that power. In this passage, the word power is the Greek word “dunamis,” which, in this connotation signifies miraculous power, might and strength. It is the very equipping power of God activated in the life of the believer.

At the Activate conference, the power of God was activated in our lives.

Whether or not you were at the conference that took place here in Buffalo and Niagara Falls last week, as long as you have received Christ and accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit, you, too, have dunamis. God’s miraculous power, might and strength is at work in you. He has equipped you to do His will, overcome adversity, be a witness, and show forth His glory.

Friend, whatever you’re facing today, know this: you are fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. That dunamis rests on your life and gives you the courage, fortitude and ability to soar. You will thrive, overcome any obstacle, reach great heights and achieve every goal that is in alignment with God’s predestined purpose for your life. There is no need to worry.

Again, you have the overcoming, equipping power of the Holy Spirit at work in you. There’s nothing you’re incapable of doing as long as you stay in God’s will. He makes provision for every need as you partner with Him in purpose. So, next time you feel weak and discouraged, as if you won’t make it, remind yourself that His power is working in and through you, equipping you to do all things.

You will bear positive fruit in your life. The Lord’s hand is upon you this very day, causing doors to open, ways to be made, disease to be banished, mountains to be flattened, and enemies to be subdued.

If your head is hung low and you're crying, stressing and sulking, shake yourself out of that slump. Don't you know what's in you? Don't you know who you are?  You are royalty, a King's kid. You have power.

As you read this, God is combating the enemy’s attempts to sabotage your destiny by planting negative, discouraging, self-deprecating thoughts in your mind, telling you what’s not possible. The enemy wants you to quit, but don’t do it.

Whenever Satan tries to make you think you’re faced with insurmountable obstacles, hit back with the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 19:26 NIV, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration today. It says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

As you drink down the contents of your cup, hold your head up high, embrace a faith perspective and declare “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” according to Philippians 4:13. Whatever it is you feel is holding you back from your divine purpose, this is your notice: no matter how forceful or powerful it seems, the power of God at work in you is greater than what comes against you.

Tap into that dunamis and answer the adversary’s claim that you are defeated with this: “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

Now let’s pray.

God, thank You for the assurance that no matter what I’m going through and despite the odds that may be stacked high against me, I have been equipped, and endowed with Your power to overcome. Whenever I feel weak, please remind me that through You, I am strong and able to do all things. Help me to walk boldly and go forth in faith, knowing that You’ve got it in control and have empowered me to make it and receive my breakthrough. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!

If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.