28 Days of Gratitude: Day 25
Scripture of the Day: “The LORD said: Ezekiel, son of man, the people of Israel are complaining that the punishment for their sins is more than they can stand. They have lost all hope for survival, and they blame me.” (Ezekiel 33:10 CEV)
In today’s featured verse, God is speaking to the prophet Ezekiel during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. Their sinfulness led to their bondage and suffering, and they were complaining about what they had caused.
Though Israel claimed that God was guilty of unfairly punishing them, in verses 30-31, God explained the real problem. He told Ezekiel this about the Jews: “They say, ‘Let’s ask Ezekiel what the Lord has said today.’ So they all come and listen to you, but they refuse to do what you tell them.”
So then, willful disobedience was responsible for their distressing circumstances, not God. Have you ever complained about a bad thing that you caused?
In Ezekiel 33, God explained that He would have mercy on Israel and restore them if they returned to Him. But they just kept on getting in their own way by being disobedient, thereby blocking their blessings. They couldn’t see the role they played in their own demise. Therefore, they complained.
Again, have you ever complained about something you caused?
I remember when I first had clear braces with white wire applied to my teeth some years ago. A day or two after I got the appliances put on, I ate minestrone soup, and it stained my braces and the wire. I brushed my teeth vigorously to try to remove the stain, and I damaged my wire.
Frustrated, I made an appointment to have a new wire put on. What I didn’t know was, having my wire changed when my teeth were still sore from new braces would hurt something awful. While the orthodontist was changing my wire and pushing on my sensitive teeth, I tearfully complained. It was so painful, I was nearly climbing the walls!
But here’s the thing: all of that was my fault. I did not have to be in that position. If I had paid attention to my orthodontist’s initial warnings not to eat anything that would stain my clear appliances, I would not have damaged my wire trying to erase the evidence of my disobedience.
After enduring that torture session, going forward, I didn’t eat anything I thought would stain my braces. That pain set me free from the spirit of rebellion against my orthodontist’s instructions! I was a model citizen after that.
If you have ever caused your own pain, drama, or trauma, and God allowed you to face the consequences, don’t complain. Be grateful. Suffering has a way of whipping us into shape and helping us respect the rules, boundaries, and restrictions that are there for our protection and our good.
Perhaps, you have been through something you did not cause, and you can still relate to Judah’s feelings of overwhelm. At some point, you, like them, may have been convinced that the trouble was more than you could stand, and you temporarily lost hope of things ever getting better. Maybe you complained too.
If this describes you, going forward, you must never forget, even when you’re facing something difficult, God is still good, merciful, and faithful to perform His word. I tell you often that He will fulfill His good promises He made to you. He cannot lie.
You have to trust Him through the trying season, and remain confident that He will bring you into a new season of blessings and favor. By faith, thank Him. With a heart full of expectancy, praise Him. With assurance that He is merciful, kind, and always looking for opportunities to show you generosity, bless His name in spite of it all.
In your journal today, write down:
One time when you caused your own pain and at least one useful thing that pain taught you.
One helpful lesson you have learned from a struggle you didn’t cause.
A time when you felt overwhelmed, but God brought you out on top.
A time when you thought something wouldn’t get better, but it did.
One thing God has done for you today.
Now, let’s pray.
God, whether I caused the pain or I suffered due to reasons beyond my control, I thank You for all of it, because those challenges helped me grow. It is my desire to be grateful even in affliction, for I know that You always want what’s best for me, and You will restore me, and lift me up at the appointed time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
What Is the 28 Days of Gratitude Series Based On?
This gratitude series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT, which says, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
In my time spent with the Lord, He dealt with me about how we have a tendency to focus on our issues, problems, challenges, and difficulties, but we are not necessarily intentional about focusing on His goodness. Failing to meditate on His works forces us into a cycle of complaining and blinds us to the amazing ways He reveals Himself on a daily basis. In all circumstances, let us be more grateful.
What do I need to participate?
To participate in this series, you will need a notebook and a journal, because it requires writing some things down. In whatever journal you choose—and it doesn’t need to be anything fancy—daily, you will write down the Scripture of the day.
The featured verse will highlight a complaint from the Bible to help you see that, throughout history, others have struggled just as you do. Yet, God desires that we be grateful. In your journal, I would ask that you write the verse you see featured on the Daily Cup blog each morning, then jot down 5 things for which you are grateful.
5 is the number of grace, so you will be focusing on the grace of God and how His mercy has been evident in your life, even during rough times. At the end of each post, 5 suggested thing to write about are listed.