Don't worry: It's already done
Credit: Getty
Last evening, as my husband Kenya and I were in our vehicle together returning home from an event, we were discussing something that was in the works. It was a good thing that was taking shape, but he was explaining that we would have to wait a while for the full manifestation of it.
I personally didn’t know about this whole thing that was shaping up to be a great blessing to our family until Kenya spilled the beans yesterday. He had insider details which he divulged on the ride back to our house.
“Wow,” I said. “That would be awesome!”
We were both in agreement that it would be an amazing breakthrough whenever it did happen. So a couple of hours after getting home, I went to bed, only to be awakened within a brief period.
“Look at this!” I heard a voice.
Because I was rapidly jolted out of my sleep, I was a bit startled. I tried to quickly collect myself and gather my thoughts as I groggily opened one eye, attempting to read what was on the bright phone screen. As my eyes slowly adjusted, the words came into focus, and my senses woke up. That’s when I realized that what I was reading was a message confirming that the very breakthrough we were talking about just a few hours prior, had manifested … just that quickly.
It seemed crazy, like a dream sequence. But I was wide awake and this was reality. My mouth fell open and out came an exuberant scream. Kenya and I celebrated, and thanked God for His goodness. I was truly astounded. I woke up this morning still in awe of God.
Although we were both believing this thing would happen, we didn’t know the hand of God would move in our favor that soon or suddenly. Talk about God going above and beyond!
He is so good.
Friend, I often tell you right here on this blog, that God is able to exceed your wildest expectations. He is able to orchestrate rapid turnarounds and force positive change in your situation. Today, I challenge you to believe God for anything because anything is possible to them that believe.
“God is about to blow your mind with a sudden shift. What you’re expecting to take a long time is about to happen quickly. It is your season of the expedited breakthrough!”
The quicker-than-expected breakthrough we received last evening made me think of one of my favorite Bible stories. Remember in Acts 12 when King Herod had Peter the Apostle arrested, thrown in prison and guarded by four squads of soldiers?
I’ve shared this with you before, but let’s recap because I sense that God wants you to receive this message again to build your faith up for your next breakthrough.
Herod, who was targeting followers of Jesus Christ, had Peter, one of Christ’s greatest ambassadors, heavily guarded. It was King Herod’s intention to hold him until his public trial. But the night before the legal proceedings were to happen, verse 7 says, “Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. ‘Quick, get up!’ he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.”
Peter’s supernatural release happened so fast and unexpectedly, he was left confused and in disbelief. Verse 12 tells us, “He had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.”
Here’s what I love about this chapter: all this took place while, according to verse 5, “The church was earnestly praying to God for him.”
Remarkably, they didn’t realize that while they were asking God to move, the angel of the Lord had already broken Peter out of prison. It was already done. The manifestation showed up on their doorstep. Peter knocked at the outer entrance of the house where everyone was gathered, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door. When she heard Peter’s voice, she was so excited, she ran back to everyone without letting him in. That always makes me laugh.
“Peter is at the door!” she shouted.
And here’s something even funnier: the very ones who were praying with all their hearts didn’t believe Rhoda. “You’re out of your mind,” they told her.
That turnaround came so quickly, at first, the idea that Peter was outside sounded crazy. They couldn’t believe it was true. Oh, but it was.
Verse 16 says, “But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.” As the saints were praying, before they had a chance to say amen, their answer showed up at the door.
This is your word: it’s already done. Get ready for your answer to show up. A supernatural release is on the way. I don’t know what you’ve been praying for and believing God to work out in your life, but He’s sending you a clear message today. God is telling you there are some prayers you have been praying that are already answered. It’s your season to step into manifestation. Receive this by faith.
To assure you that God heard you when you prayed and to remind you of why He has responded in your favor, I'm stirring the latter half of James 5:16 NLT into your cup of inspiration. It says, "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."
As you drink down the contents of your cup, get excited because you’re getting ready to see wonderful results. Your season of transformation and breakthrough is upon you. You’re stepping into a new realm of favor, elevation, and supernatural overflow.
Now let's pray.
God, I don’t yet see the manifestation, but I believe that You have already answered my prayers. I don’t know exactly how You will move, I just know that You will. Today, I prepare myself for my supernatural release. I thank You for it as I decree and declare that it is done! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.