You already have the answer
*To listen to this devotion in audio format, CLICK HERE.
Ever felt utterly lost, confused, and in turmoil because you didn’t know what was coming next? Couldn’t see a path forward? Didn’t understand how to get through a test? Were overwhelmed by all the forces that seemed to be coming against you?
Well, this word is God’s way of letting you know that although you may feel uncertain—or even clueless—you already have the answer. His name is Jesus. And if you put your trust in Him, this is divine confirmation that everything will work out just fine.
My 19-year-old son, Kedar, started his first semester of college last month. He’s adjusting to the new schedule and responsibilities of school and is slowly getting a handle on things.
About a week ago, early in the morning, he was sitting on the sofa taking a quiz with his book and computer open. As I walked by him, he mentioned how easy his latest assignment felt because it was an open-book test.
“What am I supposed to be learning from this?” he asked with a slight chuckle. “They give me all the answers, and it almost feels like cheating.”
Open-book tests, though they may seem easier, are important and effective learning assessments. They expose whether we can find, analyze, and correctly apply the information we receive.
In my early high school days, I did poorly on my first open-book test. My mistake was choosing not to complete any of the reading beforehand. I naively thought, I’ll just quickly skim through the information during the test, and I’ll find what I need.
How wrong I was about that!
I cannot describe the terror and dread that shot through my soul when I saw those dense chapters and detailed questions without having the slightest sense of familiarity. I discovered too late that it was a bad idea to go into an exam cold without so much as a general idea of what was in the book.
I never made that error again.
Who wants to admit, I bombed an open-book test?
No one wants that, but it happens often, both naturally and spiritually.
Our journey of faith is essentially one big open-book test. To pass, we need only apply the principles in God’s word. But if we’re honest, we’ll admit that we sometimes fail despite having the answer right before our eyes.
The disciples failed one of their tests too, even though Jesus, the Living Word, was literally within their reach. In fairness to the disciples, though, it was a scary situation in Luke 8:22-25 when a fierce storm arose. It appeared they would drown.
After Jesus calmed the storm as well as the disciples’ hysteria, He asked them a question: “Where is your faith?”
In response, the disciples didn’t address Jesus but rather asked each other, “Who is this?”
They were befuddled and said in awe, “He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”
Who is this?
This is like the question the Israelites asked when God rained bread from heaven called Manna (Exodus 16). They asked, “What is this?” And in Hebrew, Manna literally means, “What is it?”
Just as in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, Jesus, who referred to Himself as “the bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:58), was still a mystery. So, by exercising His power over nature, He was revealing His divinity and authority. He wanted the disciples to know that He was not just a man but also God. He desired for them to know who He was.
“Don’t fret! God is using this storm as a platform to flex. He’s going to reveal to you exactly who He is and what He has the power to do.”
Had the disciples been conscious of the fact that Immanuel—as Jesus is called in Matthew 1:23 meaning “God with us”—was there with them, perhaps they would not have panicked.
Fortunately for us, we know exactly who Jesus is and are aware that He is the answer to every conundrum. He has power to calm every storm. He can cure every disease. His blood washes away every sin. His completed work on the cross has already given us victory over every issue.
So whatever problem you are encountering today, friend, you have the answer. His name is Jesus. The same Jesus who got up out of the grave on the third day. The same Jesus who took the sting from death. The same Jesus whose name is above every name. The same Jesus who causes demons to tremble.
Because He lives within you, the answers you need are already inside. Jesus said in the first portion of John 14:6 NIV, which is the sweetener I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice in knowing that because Jesus is the way—even when there seems to be no way—you are never lost or without the answer. When you cannot see the path forward, remember the question Jesus asked His disciples: “Where is your faith?”
Where is your faith?
We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), right?
As I always tell you, faith is the key that unlocks every door. I have seen numerous miracles because I dared to put my full confidence in Jesus.
If you do the same, you’ll be amazed by the storms He’ll calm and the ways He’ll make just for you. I’m a living witness!
Pray this prayer.
God, thank You for reminding me of who You are—the answer to every problem I have. When worry, fear, and discouragement seem overwhelming, help me remember that You—Immanuel—are with me and will calm every storm. As I release my faith, I believe that You will release Your power, and I thank You in advance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!