It's is God's desire to bless you!
Today I was meditating on what a good father God has been to me and all the ways He has shown up in my life. This caused my heart to overflow with gratitude and made me emotional.
I specifically was thinking about the storms I have weathered related to my health by the grace of God. Since my early twenties, many things have gone wrong with my body—things I could have never anticipated happening. But through every single ordeal, God was with me, walking with me through the valley of the shadow of death, taking care of me, and bringing the best possible outcomes out of worst-case scenarios.
Now more than ever, I trust in His power to perform miracles and work wonders for me and you, too! Just seek Him diligently and trust Him in all things.
Be like the widow in Scripture who was locked in a court battle with her enemy (Luke 18:1-6). Though the Bible does not tell us the nature of the dispute, we do know that an injustice had been done to this lowly woman.
How unfortunate. Women in her day were powerless and widows even more so. But she refused to give up and passively accept her unjust fate. Instead of feeling sorry for herself and throwing in the towel, the widow kept throwing herself at the mercy of the court. She continually asked the corrupt judge, who had no reverence for God and did not care about people (v. 3), to vindicate her.
Eventually, her diligence drove the judge crazy and wore him down, and he ruled in her favor.
Jesus said, “So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night” (v. 7)? In other words, if even an unrighteous judge that lacked compassion honored persistence, how much more will God, the righteous judge, who is rich in compassion and mercy, do for His children?
Friend, I just popped in to let you know that it is God’s desire to bless you. He doesn’t do it begrudgingly. On the contrary, He loves pouring out His goodness on you, showing off His power to change things, and delivering you out of circumstances that seem like they will surely end in doom, death, or destruction of some kind.
“This serves as your notice that Heaven is releasing the bountiful blessings that have been stored up for you. It is the will of the Father that you prosper!”
But why, if it is God’s desire to bless you, does He allow such difficult tests and trials? He does that to teach you, my friend, the power of perseverance, persistence, and passionate pursuit of Him.
In the very beginning of this parable in today’s lesson, we learn why Jesus told the disciples this story of the unjust judge. The purpose was to teach them (and us!) to “always pray and never lose heart” (v. 1).
In this verse, “Lose heart” comes from a Greek verb egkakeō, meaning “to become weary,” “to give in,” or “to become a coward.”
Jesus was saying, don’t give in. Keep on praying. Don’t let fear overtake you. When you continue showing up in faith and asking for what you need, you will see God’s hand move in your favor. He will fulfill His promises. He will open doors for you. He will heal your body. He will remove obstacles that have been hindering you. He will vindicate you. He will turn even the worst situations around, because it is His desire to bless you. It is His will to prosper you.
I know that we all sometimes feel helpless, powerless, and disadvantaged. But listen, your faith always gives you an advantage. It gives you an edge. Though you may feel weak and powerless, your faith activates the power of the Almighty for whom nothing is too hard.
I believe you are meant to read this devotion at this exact moment. Through it, God is reminding you that a blessing is coming if you don’t give up.
To remind you of this truth, the Lord led me to stir a very familiar and often quoted passage of Scripture into your cup of inspiration. It’s found in Galatians 6:9 KJV, and says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, God is reminding you that there is power in persistent prayer, steadfast faith, and relentless pursuit. Though the enemy would love to see you give up on your faith, don’t do it. Keep trusting the Lord. Know that reaping season will surely come, for it is the will of the Father to bless you abundantly.
He has already commanded your harvest, and it is inevitable that you will reap everything He has for you if you don’t lose heart.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that it is Your good pleasure and desire to bless me. Since, according to James 1:17, every good and perfect gift comes from You, I know You will release good things to me because I am Your child and You love me. Forever, I will passionately pursue You and confidently believe that in due season, I will reap if I don’t lose heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!