Be specific about what you want
Getty/Krisanapong Detraphiphat
*To listen to the audio version of today’s devotion, click here.
Sometimes when we pray, we are nonspecific in our requests and don’t really know what to ask God for. Then there are times when we have specific needs, and we directly petition God to meet those needs by name. Today God is challenging you to be specific, detailed, and targeted in your prayers, because there is something special that He wants to do for you when you ask in faith.
I used to sing an old song in church that said, “Jesus is on the mainline/ Tell Him what you want/ Call Him up and tell Him what you want.”
Know that song?
Whenever I sang it, the words brought such comfort to my heart, as I was reminded that we have a direct line to Jesus Christ, our High Priest, who cares for us, hears us, and responds to us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:15).
Yesterday, God reminded me that He hears and answers prayer through several messages I received from family and friends. They each told me the same thing: a video featuring me moments after my miraculous healing at a prayer service in 2017 had popped up in their Facebook memories. This was happening yesterday and the day before.
That video holds great significance for me, as it marks the day when the Lord came to my rescue and granted me the total healing I had been requesting for months. Every time I rewatch and relive the supernatural experience, I get emotional as my heart is flooded with gratitude and praise.
I recall how the evening of my miracle began. Pain coursed through my veins, discouragement gripped my heart, and shame hovered over me like a cloud. I did not want anyone to see me in my humbled state, unable to walk, talk, or care for myself. Yet, I endured the uncomfortable gazes and sympathetic looks, believing that a miracle would replace my misery. And surely my faith was rewarded!
Here we are six years later, and the autoimmune diseases that nearly claimed my life have not returned. God responded to my specific request to rid my body of the severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia that left me bedridden, in and out of hospitals, and seemingly beyond all help and hope.
Aren’t you glad to know, friend, that we are never out of God’s reach, no matter how bad it looks? When we call out to Him in faith, He will release His wonder-working power—that kind of power that has confounded my doctors to this day. Ever since the miracle unfolded in a sanctuary full of witnesses and was seen online by thousands, God has used my testimony of healing to encourage others around the world to believe that He is a God who honors faith and responds to earnest prayers.
That’s my assignment today, to encourage you. I’m here to admonish you to ask God to meet your specific need by faith—whatever it is—and He will surely answer you. Keep in mind the words the psalmist declared in Psalm 120:1: “In my distress, I cried to the Lord and He heard me.”
When you cry out, He will stretch out His hand to help you. So, boldly go to throne of grace—and believe—and you will see the Lord show up with your answer, your healing, your breakthrough, your increase, your restoration, your promise, your harvest!
“God said, ‘Ask for what you want by faith. Your faith activates My power. Believe, and I will do it!’”
For a few moments, consider the encounter that the blind beggar had with Jesus in Luke 18:35-43. He cried out as the Savior was passing by saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” By calling Jesus “Son of David,” the man revealed his faith in Christ as the Messiah, because the Jews believed that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David.
Though the blind and desolate man initially made a general request for mercy, pay attention to verse 40, where Jesus challenged him to get more specific by asking him: “What do you want me to do for you?” In other words, Jesus told him, I know you asked for mercy, but what does mercy look like in your life? Be specific, so I can do specifically what you asked of Me.
The blind beggar who was poor and living off of handouts could have asked for silver and gold, but he did not. That man told Jesus He specifically wanted to receive his sight. And once the petition was detailed and not generic, Jesus granted the man’s request. Afterward the man followed Jesus. And the crowd of spectators—the ones that had previously told the former blind beggar to be quiet and leave Jesus alone—broke their own silence by erupting in praise!
Look at how God turned that thing around.
In this season, there are some things God wants to turn around for you. Listen to me closely. Just as the blind beggar did, God wants you to get specific. You have some pressing needs, concerning situations, and unfortunate circumstances facing you. But God is looking upon your plight with mercy and is asking, what do you specifically want Me to do for you, child?
Sure, you want Him to bless you. We all want that. But in what way do you want God to bless you? Are you sick and in need of healing? Are you enduring a season of lack and need increase? Are you struggling in a relationship that needs reconciliation? Are you facing opposition on your job that needs resolution? Are you under attack and need favor? Are you going through a confusing period and need clarity? Are you struggling with depression and need relief? Are you struggling to do something on your own and need help? What do you want God to do for you?
Right now, I prophesy over you that if you tell God what you want, He’ll give it to you. Of course, we know that God does things according to His will and sovereignty. We always must remain open to those occasions when His will differs from our way. Amen? Jesus said it best in Luke 22:42: “nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Having said that, let’s go back to bolstering your faith enough to ask specifically for what you need. Let’s do this. Briefly imagine yourself in a spiritual dart tournament with a dart or arrow in your hand. The dart represents your prayer. Now focus on the issue you need God to fix; imagine that being the bullseye. Got it in your mind? Good.
Finally, by faith, release your prayer dart, as I come into agreement with you that God’s power will hit the bullseye dead center and annihilate that problem, transform that situation, heal that sickness, resolve that issue.
You already know that I am speaking from experience when I tell you that when the power of God hits your issue, instantaneous transformation takes place. Miracles replace misery. Complicated situations get resolved. What you lost is restored. Doors of opportunity open. Your tears of sorrow turn into shouts of joy. Your test becomes a testimony and your travesty a triumph.
It's time for you to triumph. So, wake up your faith. If you’ve been in a slump, God sent me to shake you out of it. Come on. Declare this: surely God will deliver me and answer my specific prayer request. Don’t just say it, believe it.
God cares so much about what you’re going through that He is using this girl from Buffalo, NY, who is unashamed to say that I fully believe in the miraculous power of God. I am coming to tell you today that if you dare to ask Him, He will do it according to His will. Get that prayer dart and aim it!
Jesus said in John 14:14 (ESV)—which is the sweetener I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration— “If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, ask God anything—as He asks you in Jeremiah 32:27, “Is there anything too hard for Me?” And we all know the answer to that. There is nothing too hard for God.
Now, join me as I intercede for you.
Great God, for Whom nothing is too hard, I pray for this my sister, this my brother. As they give You their specific prayer request today, believing that You will answer them, I thank You for moving on their behalf as a reward for their faith. We come into agreement, and we expect and accept a major and instantaneous breakthrough. According to Your will, it shall manifest, and they will testify of Your goodness and power to transform any situation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!