The danger of getting in a hurry
Credit: Getty/FHM
God spoke to me and said, “Don’t get in a hurry.”
I heard His voice as I was out on a leisurely drive recently and pulled up behind an oddly shaped white specialty van. It had two stickers in bold lettering placed just above the back bumper.
“This vehicle stops at all railroad crossings.” “This vehicle does not turn on red.”
I stared at both stickers thinking, if someone were in a hurry, trailing this automobile wouldn’t be ideal. Like, what if they needed to make several right turns on red to get where they were going? Being positioned behind this van would cause frustrating delays. That’s why, sometimes you’ll see drivers glide into the opposite lane and speed up to get around vehicles that are forbidden to turn right on red.
They don’t want to have to wait.
Even on highways, it’s common for impatient motorists to dip in and out of lanes at high speeds to get around slower-moving traffic. I used to be one of those people in my younger years, which is why I was responsible for numerous wrecks. These days, I am more patient and careful—and my driving record and insurance rates reflect that, thankfully.
Anyway, as I sat at that red light on a sunshiny afternoon, God used this mundane moment to reinforce a lesson. “Fast is not always My will,” He told me. “I often allow delays to accomplish My purposes. Don’t try to go around Me.”
That word from the Lord on delay was necessary encouragement and confirmation for me, because I had been praying about God’s timing related to several goals. God has consistently been saying “not yet” about some things, so I am waiting and trusting. I know that when He is ready, things will flow.
This morning, the Holy Spirit nudged my spirit and let me know that this message isn’t just for me but also for someone else that feels delayed. So, I opened my laptop and began typing the message you are now reading.
Whether you’re driving down a natural road or the metaphorical road of life, it’s natural to try to circumvent delay-causing circumstances. We like to get where we’re going quickly. But when we rush, we may put ourselves on a crash course toward disaster.
That’s the danger of getting in a hurry. We wreck things, and God doesn’t want us to wreck His plans by trying to get around His timing.
“You don’t have to rush! What God has for you, you will receive it in due time. Be patient.”
When impatience clouds our judgment and drives our actions, we rush into things. We forget that there are seasons when God Himself is responsible for the holdup. During such divine delays, when we endeavor to speed things along, we dip out of God’s will like reckless drivers tearing down a highway. And when we’re out of alignment with His will, we are no longer under the cover of His protection. We also move out of position to receive the blessings that can only come from our obedience to the Father.
Hear me, Bestie.
God sent me to tell you to wait on Him. Don’t get in a hurry. Your breakthrough is delayed but not denied. Your time is coming. The Lord is putting things in place, setting things in motion, and working things in your favor. You have not missed your season.
Something great will come from the wait.
In 2 Samuel 5, a chapter that chronicles the earliest days of David’s reign as king, his longtime archrivals, the Philistines, came after Israel. Though the opposing army’s act of aggression demanded a response, David didn’t allow the pressure of the circumstances to determine his actions. Rather than David rushing into battle as a show of strength and dominance, the king consulted God first, asking, “Shall I go up and fight?” (v. 19)
We need to be like David and humbly ask the Lord for guidance and willingly waiting for the answer before making a move.
In today’s Bible story, God told David yes, he could go up and fight, and the Lord would give him victory (vv. 20-21). And sure enough, David and the Israelites triumphed over the enemy!
When you wait on God’s yes, victory is inevitable for you. When you stand still until you get a green light— no matter how much you want to turn on red—the Lord will bless you. I know waiting is hard. Trust me, I do. But dealing with the consequences of not waiting is much harder.
Can I get a witness on that?
I know that’s right.
Somebody reading this needs to know that God is allowing this delay in your situation. Don’t get worried. Don’t get in a hurry. In His perfect timing, His perfect will shall be done—and you’ll be so glad you waited!
Therefore, to encourage you to wait on God and avoid the dangers of getting in a hurry, I’m stirring a sweetener—a portion of Habakkuk 2:3 (MSG)— into your cup of inspiration which says, “If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that our on-time God has an on-time breakthrough waiting for you on the other side of this delay. When the waiting period is over, things will fall into place so fast, and you won’t even have room for all the blessings that will come your way. In the meantime, as you await your great harvest, hear the voice of the Lord saying, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Now, pray this prayer with me.
God, thank You for reminding me that danger results from getting ahead of You, but blessings result from waiting on You. In times when impatience frustrates me, help me recall this word and cling to my faith as I wait for a breakthrough in due season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!