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Healing the Divide: My Response to the Trump Assassination Attempt

"In the wake of the Trump assassination attempt, Christian leader Dianna Hobbs calls the Church to reclaim its role as a force for love, unity, and decency in a divisive age.

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Credit: AP/Gene J. Puskar

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A Christian Response to Trump Assassination Attempt Dianna Hobbs

As I learned about the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally yesterday, I was stunned, disgusted, and heartbroken for America.

Watching the videos and reading the articles, I whispered repeatedly, "This can’t be happening." The immediate responses—ranging from horror to celebration—highlighted the deep divide in our nation and the troubling state of humanity as a whole.

Reactions and Reflections

Some Trump supporters and non-supporters alike decried the violence, calling it a horrific and sickening act. Yet others, driven by deep-seated political animosity, responded with celebration and even skepticism. "I don’t believe it," they said. "This seems staged." Such responses disregard the families of the deceased and critically injured, and the reality of Trump’s own narrow escape from a fatal head wound.

The Christian Response: A Call to Compassion

What struck me most was the reaction—or lack thereof—from fellow Christians. Many prominent Christian leaders responded with neither sympathy nor a call to prayer. This absence of compassion and concern within the Body of Christ is alarming. How have we come to a place where political affiliation dictates our display of Christianity?

Our faith should transcend politics. We are called to love our neighbors, to show compassion, and to seek justice—not just for those we agree with, but for all humankind. The attempt on Trump’s life is not merely a political event; it is a stark reminder of our collective loss of civility, solidarity, and decency. My heart’s cry is, “Help us, oh God.”

The Danger of Dehumanization

Politicians—Democrats and Republicans—have become demagogues, and their rhetoric often dehumanizes opponents, making them seem dispensable. This dangerous language fosters a culture of violence and hatred. As Christians, we must be careful not to fall into this trap. Our duty is to come together and fight for justice, but we must do so without dehumanizing those who oppose our views.

Returning to Our Christian Principles

America is not a spiritual or cultural monolith. Diverse perspectives exist, and everyone has a right to their opinion and voice. However, as Christians, our voices must be regulated by God’s Spirit. If we are not led by love in all we say and do, then our actions do not please God.

We must return to the basics of caring for everyone, praying for all political leaders, and promoting understanding and compassionate listening. We have lost our internal compass, even within the Body of Christ, and it’s time to find our way back to love, empathy, harmony, and respect.

God’s Sovereignty Over All

Romans 13:1 reminds us that all authority, even in government, comes from God, and the authorities that exist have been established by Him. This means that whether we are pro-Trump or pro-Biden, God is still in control. Our role is to advocate for justice and righteousness, but ultimately, God is the one who governs the affairs of the world.

I am appealing to you today. Let us pray, seek God’s will, and acknowledge His sovereignty, knowing that power belongs to God. When we forget this, we risk using our tongues and, in the worst cases, physical weapons, as tools of control and manipulation. But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; our battle is spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4).

A Call to Prayer and Unity

As Christians, let us be a shining example of love and trust in God’s control. We must speak truth in love, promote peace, and strive for oneness. The political climate may be fraught with division, but our faith calls us to a higher standard. It is time to heal the divide and reaffirm our commitment to the teachings of Christ. Let us remember that in all things, God is sovereign, and His will prevails.

Final Thoughts and a Prayer

The assassination attempt on former President Trump serves as a wake-up call for Christians to re-examine our responses and attitudes in the political arena. It is a reminder to prioritize our faith and concern for people over political affiliations and to act as instruments of God's love in a divided world. Let us charge ahead with gentleness, meekness, and a commitment to justice, along with renewed faithfulness to Christ’s teachings on love, advocacy, and peace.

God, we come before You seeking Your guidance and wisdom. Please help us to rise above political divisions and embrace Your call to love and compassion. May we be instruments of Your peace, promoting unity and understanding in a fractured world. Strengthen our resolve to follow Your teachings and to trust in Your sovereign control over all things. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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