I am convinced that God is able!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs inspires you through the word of God to be confident that the Lord is able to do anything—even this thing—no matter how hard it may be. You can be fully confident that God is faithful and will keep every promise, and fulfill His word to you. Listen and be blessed!
Painful process, amazing outcome
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says God is going to bring something beautiful out of this ugly situation. By His power, He will make all things new and His purpose will prevail. So don’t let discouragement bring you down. Remain full of faith and optimism!
God's power destroys the yoke!
No matter what your bondage or struggle is, God has power to break the cycle and make you victorious. The yoke-destroying anointing of God is changing the trajectory of your destiny.
God is intervening
Lift up your head. Look up. Remember that God is on your side. He is with you in this battle. Not only that, but He is fighting for you. God is intervening and He is shifting your circumstances.