God's word does not expire!
Sometimes, we experience delays, setbacks, challenges and disappointments, and it may seem like the promises of God won’t manifest. But know this: If God made you a promise, no matter how long it takes or what you come up against, that promise will -- it must -- come to pass! Listen and be encouraged.
God is binding the hand of the enemy
We all go through seasons of setbacks and attacks of the enemy. And though God allows these things to happen, at the appointed time, He binds the hand of the enemy and restores, replenishes, and renews us. If you ever find yourself in a low place, trust and know, you will bounce back.
Declare something over your year!
When you declare God’s promises over your year, life will change for the better, and you’ll see victory after victory. God will knock down walls for you and allow you to cross over the border from the wilderness to your Promised Land. The key is being open to God’s will and surrendering to His way.
Cast out doubt
If you’re truly ready to experience breakthrough in your life, get doubt out of the way, and believe God as never before. As you believe Him in the face of challenges, uncertainty, and opposition, He will prove Himself faithful and do great things for you, through you, and in you, for His glory!
Don't Throw It Away
Many people in life give up on things when the going gets too rough, and they end up throwing away something valuable in a weak moment. But when it comes to your faith, you cannot to afford to discard it or throw it away in hard times, because it is the key to the abundant life Jesus Christ died and rose to give you.
It’s no problem at all
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, your problem may look big, but God is bigger. The trial may seem great, but God is greater. No matter what you’re facing, God is able to turn it around and use it to get glory out of it, and that’s exactly what He’s about to do in your situation.
God is working through it
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is working through this test for His glory and for your benefit! While God allows negative situations sometimes, He doesn’t do that to destroy you, but to accomplish His will in and through you. Listen to this uplifting word and be encouraged!
You’re crossing over into breakthrough
Happy New Year! You have crossed over into 2019 and this year, you will cross over into breakthrough. In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t be intimidated by the enemy’s pursuit of you. Even though he may have waged war against you, victory is inevitable.
You have passed this test
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says you have been enduring a difficult test of faith, but because you didn’t give up, you have passed the test, and deliverance is yours. This word will encourage you. There is a reward for your faith in the Lord. Listen and be blessed!
This is just a set up
Does it look like you’re down for the count and will be surely defeated? Dianna Hobbs gets you ready for an epic plot twist in today’s inspiration. She says, God is setting you up for something good.
This is bigger than you
Every trial’s purpose is not immediately apparent, but Dianna Hobbs assures you that what you’re going through will bring God glory and accomplish something awesome in your life.
When God doesn't do it your way
Feeling frustrated over the process you must go through while waiting for deliverance from God? Simply trust God’s will, His plan and timing, knowing that He will do what is best for you!
God is picking you up
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that there is no valley too low that God can’t reach down and lift you up—and that’s exactly what He’s doing for you. No matter how deep you sunk, He’s resurrecting and restoring you!
Don't miss it!
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs shares biblical wisdom that is the key to unlocking what God has for you. If you don’t want to miss your season of promise, don’t miss this lesson.