Take It Personal
The promises in God’s word are just for you! Once you realize that God is speaking to you through His word and tap into your faith, God will respond to your faith and move by His power and exceed your expectations. In this podcast, Dianna Hobbs says take God’s promises personal.
Get ready for a divine switch!
To switch, by definition is to change direction or make a radical shift. And through this word, God is preparing your heart for something unexpected He wants to do in your life. It won’t follow your pattern and He won’t do it your way, but if you remain open to His will, you’ll receive unanticipated blessings and favor!
No other power can do it
God is about to do for you what no other power can do. There are ways He’s making, doors He’s opening, issues He’s resolving, problems He’s fixing, diseases He’s healing, and miracles He’s manifesting by HIS power alone. Get ready to receive your miracle. Listen and be uplifted!