This is for your good & His glory!
In today's podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, God will see to it that the outcome of this situation will be what is best for you and what will bring Him the most glory.
Who said it was too late?
Satan would have you believe that too much time has passed for God to do what you’re waiting on, but he’s a liar! In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says nothing is ever too late nor is it too hard for the Lord.
God has a message for you
Despite the noise, distractions, attacks and struggles you may be facing, God's voice is cutting through all of it to deliver a clear word to you today through Dianna Hobbs. Listen and be blessed!
You're going to get it all back
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs is assuring you that God is giving you the victory. Everything the enemy has stolen from you, you’re going to get it all back. Satan can’t have your stuff. He cannot rob you of what God has ordained and destined for you.
Keep pressing! God will do it
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, whatever you’re believing God for, don’t give up on your faith. Just trust Him. He will do it. Don’t let life’s hardships and troubles stop you from crying out to God and being confident that He will move!
God has changed your name!
In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don't accept those designations and titles that are beneath you. Christ calls you a conqueror. Your destiny is so much greater than your history!
God is pulling you out of that pit
You are not stuck, even though it may feel like it. In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is reaching down into that awful pit and lifting you up into a new season. Listen and be blessed!
Take it to Jesus
In today's podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, whatever the issue, adversity and struggle you're facing, put it in the hands of the Savior and watch Him work it out in your favor. Listen and be blessed.
God is unblocking the flow of blessings
What God has for you, you will receive. In today's encouragement, Dianna Hobbs assures you that the blessings Satan has tried to block, God is releasing. Listen and get ready for every hindrance and shackle to be loosed!
When circumstances don't line up...
What do you do when your situation contradicts the promises God has spoken over your life? In today's podcast, Dianna Hobbs shows you how to get through rough seasons with confidence in God's power to deliver you. Listen and be uplifted!
God's power destroys the yoke!
No matter what your bondage or struggle is, God has power to break the cycle and make you victorious. The yoke-destroying anointing of God is changing the trajectory of your destiny.