Declare something over your year!
When you declare God’s promises over your year, life will change for the better, and you’ll see victory after victory. God will knock down walls for you and allow you to cross over the border from the wilderness to your Promised Land. The key is being open to God’s will and surrendering to His way.
How to overcome a setback
In life, no matter who we are, where we’re from, how little or how much faith we have, there will be seasons of setbacks and challenges. So how do you overcome them? How can you push past the limitations in front of you and secure the blessings and breakthroughs God has for you? The answers are in this broadcast.
Your faith has granted you access
Dianna Hobbs assures you that persistent faith produces powerful results. When you dare to believe God in the face of opposition, disappointment, turmoil, and even tragedy, that kind of faith gets His attention, and gives you access into your place of promise.
Get your expectations up!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, believe and know without a doubt that your breakthrough will arrive. Expect it! As you listen, you’ll be reminded and assured that what God has said will manifest. You will give birth to every promise!
You’re coming out of this wilderness
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God’s purpose will prevail and His will, which is to bring you into your place of promise, will be fulfilled. Don’t be intimidated by the opposition and don’t be ensnared by the trap of unbelief the enemy sets.
You have passed this test
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says you have been enduring a difficult test of faith, but because you didn’t give up, you have passed the test, and deliverance is yours. This word will encourage you. There is a reward for your faith in the Lord. Listen and be blessed!
It will work out for the best
When Dianna Hobbs’ mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, the family had to pull together to trust God. If you are facing negative circumstances and are struggling to see the silver lining in the cloud, today’s inspiration will uplift your heart.
God will make good on His promise
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, even when you don't see any evidence, believe in the Lord’s promises because He’s faithful to make good on every single one of them. Whatever He says in His word, He will perform. Listen and be blessed!
The word of the Lord is sure
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God’s word is certain even in uncertain times. Every promise, He’ll perform and every word He’s ever spoken over your life will—and must—come to pass.
God is going to intervene
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs shows you how things change for the better when God steps in. If you need Him to show up and shift some circumstances, get ready for it. He’s doing it right now.
God is going to do it
Are you feeling like life has thrown you into a fiery furnace of affliction and you won’t make it out intact? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t just know God can do it; believe that He will do it for you.
But God...
In today’s cup of inspiration, Dianna Hobbs highlights the power of what she calls “but God” moments where the negative things that SHOULD happen DON'T because of His grace!
Don't stop hoping
Are you worn out, sick of it all, and tired of waiting for change? In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs encourages you to cling to hope, for it is the key to your breakthrough. Listen and revive your faith!
The One who is greater is for you!
As you listen to today’s cup of inspiration, Dianna Hobbs will inspire you to lift your head and realize that God, who is greater than any opposition, is fighting this battle for you. You have already won by His power!