God will go above that
As a child of God, you are entitled to blessings, privileges, and special favor, and you can expect God to go above and beyond what you have already asked Him to do. This year, make a decision to believe God for greater things, and watch Him exceed your expectations according to His will.
You serve a strategic God
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is so strategic, meaning He has carefully designed and planned things to serve His awesome purpose. If you are in a season of uncertainty, where nothing makes much sense, know that the Lord is up to something great, and setting the stage to show up!
God wants better for you
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, what you prefer to happen isn’t always best for you. Sometimes, the thing that upsets, annoys, disappoints, or frustrates you the most, is the very thing God is using to mature you, prepare you, and position you to receive greater and better.
Your confidence will be rewarded
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, just because times get hard and you face persecution, suffering, trials and all manner of tribulations, you can’t just throw away your faith like you do an old garment you don’t care anything about. Stand firm. Trust God anyway. When you remain confident in Him, He will reward you with blessings and breakthroughs.
God is going to do it
Are you feeling like life has thrown you into a fiery furnace of affliction and you won’t make it out intact? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t just know God can do it; believe that He will do it for you.