That moment won’t define you
We all go through bad moments and tough situations in life, and Satan tries to tell us that these moments define us. He only says that, however, to wound our confidence, diminish our faith, lower our expectation, and hold us hostage to the worst periods of our past. Don’t let him do it!
God's word does not expire!
Sometimes, we experience delays, setbacks, challenges and disappointments, and it may seem like the promises of God won’t manifest. But know this: If God made you a promise, no matter how long it takes or what you come up against, that promise will -- it must -- come to pass! Listen and be encouraged.
Do you know how God sees you?
In this fallen world, you will encounter people, situations and systems designed to make you view yourself as unworthy, less-than and sometimes, even unloved. But when you get a revelation of how God sees you, it will revolutionize your life and build your confidence!
I am convinced that God is able!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs inspires you through the word of God to be confident that the Lord is able to do anything—even this thing—no matter how hard it may be. You can be fully confident that God is faithful and will keep every promise, and fulfill His word to you. Listen and be blessed!
The word of the Lord is sure
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God’s word is certain even in uncertain times. Every promise, He’ll perform and every word He’s ever spoken over your life will—and must—come to pass.