God will do the extraordinary
Sometimes we think divine setups have to look grand. We expect some major gesture or awe-inspiring display of God’s glory. While God does move in that way, there are also seasons where He does the miraculous through the mundane. Get ready for the unexpected to happen for you.
You will possess the promise
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says do not fear. Every promise God has made, you will possess it. Don’t be intimidated and distracted. Don’t worry. Don’t stress out. God has assured you of your deliverance and you will step into your season of breakthrough. Listen and be lifted!
God is giving you an impossible victory
If you are facing very difficult circumstances and it looks like a positive outcome is impossible, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is yet able. Get ready for an impossible victory, an unlikely breakthrough and a supernatural intervention in your situation.
God will do more than that
The blessing is bigger than you think; God’s plan is about to unfold and it’s greater than you imagine. So increase your expectations. Elevate your thinking. Expand your vision. Proclaim that, “In this season, God is doing more than that”—because He is.
But God...
In today’s cup of inspiration, Dianna Hobbs highlights the power of what she calls “but God” moments where the negative things that SHOULD happen DON'T because of His grace!