podcast Empowering Everyday Women podcast Empowering Everyday Women

Audio: You are anointed—even in bad times.

In this audio devotion, Dianna Hobbs supercharges your faith by reminding you that in bad times, you’re yet anointed. The power of the Holy Ghost dwells within you and rests upon you. You have what it takes to press forward despite circumstances being imperfect. Listen and be blessed!

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Spiritual Attack, podcast Empowering Everyday Women Spiritual Attack, podcast Empowering Everyday Women

You are a threat! [AUDIO]

Have you been under attack? Been going through the ringer lately and don't know why? Feeling tired and stressed and frustrated? Been praying and asking God for relief? Listen as Dianna Hobbs explains that you are a target because you're a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

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