God is your refuge
In today's podcast, Dianna Hobbs assures you that, no matter how many afflictions, issues, problems, and tests you might be going through, God, your refuge, is working them out for you.
Good things are about to happen for you
If you are feeling discouraged and wondering when it will be your turn to reap rewards, Dianna Hobbs encourages you to hang in there, and assures you that it will happen in God's timing. Listen and be uplifted.
Don't worry. God heard your prayer.
If you feel passed over, overlooked, and neglected, as if God has not heard your plea for help because nothing is changing, today's podcast will minister to you in a deep way.
God is intervening
Lift up your head. Look up. Remember that God is on your side. He is with you in this battle. Not only that, but He is fighting for you. God is intervening and He is shifting your circumstances.