Audio: Be specific about what you want
Bestie, it’s time again to experience the ministry of Dianna Hobbs live from Empowering Everyday Women Ministries studios in Buffalo, NY. You will be blessed as she shares an inspiring word about how God hears us and answers our requests when we believe and target our prayers. Listen and be blessed!
Why haven’t you asked God?
We often look every place for help except from above. We seek out answers online, in scholarly articles, and from experts but fail to depend on our faithful God who has all the answers and all power. But God is encouraging you to make Him your first contact and first line of defense in any situation.
When you pray, something happens
There is power in prayer, so don’t every stop praying—no matter how frustrating, difficult, or troubling times may be. God hears you and He responds to faith, and it is His good pleasure to bless you. The Lord will answer. He will heal, restore, strengthen, provide, and change things for the better.