Audio Devotion: God will restore
There are times when God allows you to walk through unfamiliar territory, endure painful situations that make you feel low, humiliated, discouraged, and lost. Despite the difficulty of these moments and how long they last, they won’t last always. Listen and be assured that restoration is coming!
Anticipate good things!
When bad things happen and circumstances look bleak, it’s easy to expect the worst instead of believing God for the best. But this encouragement is God’s way of drawing your attention away from negative contingencies and focusing you on the positive possibilities that exist for those that believe!
God is putting His hand on it
God is intervening and working things out. If you are feeling discouraged because things look bleak, don’t worry. The Lord is causing a shift and bestowing manifold blessings upon you and your household!
Release and restoration is here
In today’s powerful cup of inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God, the promise-keeper, is ushering you into your new season. If you dare to believe, you will see Him do the impossible.
God is giving it all back
It is your year, your moment, your season, your time of restoration! In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs gives you renewed hope and assurance that whatever the enemy has tried to steal, God is restoring it!