Podcast: Lord, Not Again!
Feeling stuck in a cycle of struggles? This episode of ‘Your Daily Cup’ Podcast offers hope—God will do it again!
Podcast: You Will Get Up Better
Dianna Hobbs delivers ministry updates and a compelling word tailored to the circumstances of those who feel stuck. Listen to be enriched!
LISTEN: I didn't intend to say all this!
Do you need a Rhema—right now—word from the Lord? Well, you’re in the right place at the right time today. When you press play, you will experience the Holy Ghost takeover of the ‘Daily Cup!’ Be blessed by the prophetic word God dropped on us through the ministry of Dianna Hobbs.
Audio Devotion: This struggle is producing something good
How can something good come out of something bad? How can a blessing come out of what feels like a curse? How can life ever get better you feel like things are at their worst? If you've been grappling with such questions, this powerful podcast is a must-listen~
Audio: A word for your low place
We all get low sometimes. Things go wrong. We get rejected, attacked, mistreated, hurt. When you’re in a valley season, it can sometimes feel like you will never rise again. But in today’s audio devotion, Dianna gives you hope and assurance that God has a plan to pull you up!
Audio: A Supernatural Valley Visitation
Hear today’s message come alive as Dianna Hobbs shares powerful encouragement from the word of God. If you find yourself in a low place and under attack, this is a much-needed reminder that the Lord makes valley visitations. And wherever He shows up, so does victory! Be blessed.
Audio: You are anointed—even in bad times.
In this audio devotion, Dianna Hobbs supercharges your faith by reminding you that in bad times, you’re yet anointed. The power of the Holy Ghost dwells within you and rests upon you. You have what it takes to press forward despite circumstances being imperfect. Listen and be blessed!
You can't skip the process [AUDIO]
Listen to this devotion come alive as Dianna Hobbs shares a powerful word about the importance of trusting God as you go through the unpleasant seasons of life. If you’re waiting on change to come, this word will encourage and remind you that deliverance and breakthrough will surely come!
You are a threat! [AUDIO]
Have you been under attack? Been going through the ringer lately and don't know why? Feeling tired and stressed and frustrated? Been praying and asking God for relief? Listen as Dianna Hobbs explains that you are a target because you're a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
Reasons and Seasons
We often stress ourselves out over God’s timing and we want to rush God. But God is very strategic, and He has reasons and seasons for things, even if we don’t know what they are. Trust Him to manifest the answer you seek at the appointed time. Listen and be blessed!
Only the power of God can do that
In life, we sometimes experience challenges that are too difficult, mountains that are too high, and obstacles that are too great for us to overcome on our own. But God, by His authority and power, is about to do for You what only He can. It will leave you astounded and you will know that nobody but God did that.
How to overcome a setback
In life, no matter who we are, where we’re from, how little or how much faith we have, there will be seasons of setbacks and challenges. So how do you overcome them? How can you push past the limitations in front of you and secure the blessings and breakthroughs God has for you? The answers are in this broadcast.