podcast Empowering Everyday Women podcast Empowering Everyday Women

Audio: A Supernatural Valley Visitation

Hear today’s message come alive as Dianna Hobbs shares powerful encouragement from the word of God. If you find yourself in a low place and under attack, this is a much-needed reminder that the Lord makes valley visitations. And wherever He shows up, so does victory! Be blessed.

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podcast Empowering Everyday Women podcast Empowering Everyday Women

He is the Lord of the Breakthrough

Today’s inspiration is to remind you of an important fact about God: He is the Lord of the breakthrough. Sometimes, we need to be reminded of this when we feel stuck in life, or we worry that we won’t reach a goal. But God has power to move mountains! Trust Him.

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podcast Empowering Everyday Women podcast Empowering Everyday Women

That moment won’t define you

We all go through bad moments and tough situations in life, and Satan tries to tell us that these moments define us. He only says that, however, to wound our confidence, diminish our faith, lower our expectation, and hold us hostage to the worst periods of our past. Don’t let him do it!

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inspiration, podcast, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women inspiration, podcast, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women

Victory is inevitable

Inevitable means that something is sure to happen. It is preordained and destined to come to pass. And in today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, there is a triumph you will inevitably experience in your life. No matter what things seem like right now, God has something so good on the way for you!

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podcast, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women podcast, Dianna Hobbs Empowering Everyday Women

Victory belongs to Jesus

Take comfort in knowing that no matter what it looks like, our Jesus Christ, who always causes us to triumph, is positioning you for victory. Don’t focus on your circumstances. Trust the One who is Lord over your circumstances to turn things around in your favor.

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Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, podcast Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, inspiration, podcast Empowering Everyday Women

God has already done it

Some days and nights can be really dark and uncertain. You can’t always feel God or see Him working, but know that He is with you, and that He has already worked it out in your favor. If you have been feeling worried, anxious, sad, and discouraged, this message will lift your spirit. Listen and be blessed!

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Dianna Hobbs, podcast Empowering Everyday Women Dianna Hobbs, podcast Empowering Everyday Women

You are not the only one

In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says you may feel isolated in your struggle, but just as God has brought others through what you’re going through—or worse—He is faithful to deliver you, too! You aren’t alone.

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