God sees you!
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, you and your struggle are not invisible to God. No matter how hard it is at the moment, and what kind of opposition you face, we serve a God who sits high, but looks low, and He is going to show up for you. Be encouraged and expect God to reveal Himself. Listen and be uplifted!
God’s favor influences outcomes
No matter how negative the situation is that you’re facing today, you can expect God’s favor to influence the outcome in an amazing way. While none of us gets to skip over trials, hardship, and adversity, as long as God is on your side, it’s all good.
God wants to show you He’s able
In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, God allows tough times to show You how powerful He is, and remind you that there is no problem too difficult for Him to solve. So bring Him your burdens, your struggles, your issues, and everything you can’t handle. He’s got you!
Be open to receive
God has blessings, miracles, signs and wonders with your name on it. All He’s looking for is someone ready, willing, and open to receive, and who has enough faith to believe Him for the impossible. If that’s you, get prepared to reap a plentiful harvest.
No other power can do it
God is about to do for you what no other power can do. There are ways He’s making, doors He’s opening, issues He’s resolving, problems He’s fixing, diseases He’s healing, and miracles He’s manifesting by HIS power alone. Get ready to receive your miracle. Listen and be uplifted!
When God doesn't do it your way
Feeling frustrated over the process you must go through while waiting for deliverance from God? Simply trust God’s will, His plan and timing, knowing that He will do what is best for you!