The blessing of ruined plans
When I spoke to my mom and dad on Thanksgiving, I was extra thankful. And here’s why. The previous night, my mom Annie had to go to the hospital to be treated for carbon monoxide exposure but was released in good condition.
Most of us know how deadly this colorless, odorless gas can be! Carbon monoxide is an invisible enemy, and it could have taken both my parents’ lives.
As they were cooking up their Thanksgiving feast, they weren’t aware that their new gas stove was releasing carbon monoxide into the air. Though they have three carbon monoxide detectors installed at home, only the one installed in one of the bedrooms went off. Once they received the warning, they phoned the fire department and had to immediately evacuate. They also were told that they could no longer use the stove.
Before realizing what was going on, my mom said she had been feeling unwell most of the day but didn’t know why. Doctors told her some of the gas had gotten into her bloodstream but was not enough to be fatal. Though she had some unpleasant side effects, and my parents’ Thanksgiving dinner plans were ruined, the ruination of their plans turned out to be a blessing. Had they kept on cooking, the air inside their home would have reached deadly levels of carbon monoxide.
Friend, sometimes God allows our plans to be ruined to protect us from an invisible enemy. Growing up in church, the saints would testify that God protected them “from dangers seen and unseen.” And He does that for all of us.
Perhaps there are some things that haven’t worked out for you, and you’ve been feeling down about it. Be encouraged. There are hidden blessings in ruined plans.
“Sometimes your good plans fail so God’s better plan can unfold. Trust Him even when you don’t understand. God sees and knows things you and I cannot.”
Have some of your plans been ruined lately? Have you felt let down and discouraged? Just know that God is working in hidden ways and producing good outcomes through it all.
During seasons of disappointment, if you keep this in mind, it will be easier to obey 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration. It says, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Be thankful in inconvenient times and through life’s detours and disruptions. God just may be protecting you from an invisible enemy and setting you up for a blessing.
Now, let’s pray.
God, I don’t always know the reasons why You allow certain things to happen. Though it doesn’t feel good when my plans fall apart, I trust that Your plans for me are better. Thank You for Your protection from dangers I can see and the ones I can’t. In all things, I give You thanks. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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