God is not through with you
My younger sibling LaQuinte’—whom I simply call Quinny—was ill and hospitalized a couple of years ago. Initially, she thought it was a persistent virus of some sort causing the high fever, vomiting and other disturbing symptoms. But after her head felt like it would explode and she could no longer manage the pain, she sought medical attention.
Good thing she did. Quinny’s blood pressure was through the roof and doctors couldn’t lower it, so they admitted her. At its highest, her pressure shot up to 206/124. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her body went through all different kinds of changes. At moments, she told me, “I felt like I was going to die.”
She was fatigued, weak from being unable to keep anything down, and deeply concerned. Through tears, aches and rough nights, Quinny prayed that God would help. At her lowest points, as I was learning more about her health battle, I had to rebuke worry so I could intercede for my loved one. When the enemy planted negative thoughts in my mind about what was going to happen to her, I hit back with the word of God.
At the same time, however, the big sister in me wanted to fix it. I asked as many questions as I could about what doctors were saying and doing, and how she was progressing. I did personal research, looking for answers—as if I could, on my own, stumble across some medical breakthrough.
In the middle of all my efforts, the Lord led me to truly place it in His hands. He wanted me to stop checking in with her so frequently and spend more time checking in with Him through prayer. That wasn’t an easy thing, but I obeyed. After all, my regular status reports and updates, no matter how thorough, couldn’t change what was happening. The most they could do was minimize the uncertainty a little.
But God wasn’t interested in my approach to the situation at hand. He wanted me to focus on Him and trust Him. So I not only began praying more fervently, but I also declared His word and promises over Quinny’s life. I walked the floor and petitioned God to turn her situation around. And He did just that. He nursed her back to health and today she is strong. Quinny has gone through many setbacks, but the Lord has been with her through the journey.
Recently, she released a book called Pregnant with a Vision and God is using her testimony of overcoming numerous struggles to encourage others.
Friend, the test you're going through won't last forever. This is not the end. God is not through with you yet. I know you may be going through some rough times and dealing with ongoing struggles, but hang in there. The best is yet to come.
I’m reminded of 2 Samuel 15 when David was going through one of the most difficult times of his life. His son Absalom was trying to kill him. David’s rebellious seed, who had already murdered his brother Amnon (2 Samuel 13:23-38), was ruthless in his pursuit of power. He wanted to take David’s throne.
Absalom was crafty.
He had managed to corrupt the hearts of many who were once loyal to David. A great multitude had switched their allegiance to Absalom and willingly joined the revolt. It was an absolute mess.
Though Absalom’s rebellion was part of God’s judgment against David for committing adultery with Bathsheeba and having her husband Uriah killed to cover up his wrongdoing (See 2 Samuel 12:10), the Lord was still with David. The throne was not Absalom’s to take. He couldn't snatch away something God had preordained for someone else. Really, Absalom was waging war against God.
In Hebrew, Absalom’s name means “Father of peace,” but he certainly didn’t live up to his name. Rather, he created an environment of chaos and lawlessness.
So David and all of his allies, except for 10 concubines he left behind to take care of the palace, were forced to leave Jerusalem to escape Absalom, whose military coup had gained tremendous momentum.
Feeling concerned and hoping to invoke God’s protection, the Bible says Zadok the priest and the Levites got the Ark of the Covenant, which was symbolic of God’s presence guiding His people, to take with them. Understandably, they wanted to be shielded from impending doom.
Though David had great respect for the Ark of the Covenant and how God revealed His power through it, in this case, he felt led to go forward without it. According to 2 Samuel 15:25-26, David told Zadok to take the Ark back into the city of Jerusalem.
“’If the Lord sees fit,’ David said, ‘he will bring me back to see the Ark and the Tabernacle again. But if he is through with me, then let him do what seems best to him.’”
Re-read what David said in verse 26: “But if he is through with me, then let him do what seems best to him.”
Pause there and really think about that.
David’s statement reveals his full trust in the sovereignty of God. He was completely surrendered to the Lord’s will—whatever it was.
That’s the way we ought to be.
Well, my friend, the Lord wasn’t through with David. Absalom was killed in battle and David, whom God had chosen to reign, resumed the throne unharmed. The evil scheme did not work.
“It’s not over! There’s more, better and greater coming. God’s not finished with you yet.”
When God has His hand on your life, it does not matter who or what comes against you. You will be protected, sustained and delivered from trouble. “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time” (Psalm 34:19, NLT).
Today, the Lord is sending a reassuring word for you: He’s coming to the rescue, because He is not through with you yet. The enemy’s greatest attempts will fall flat. You will keep standing strong after Satan hits you with his best shot. God’s purpose for you must be fulfilled and He will not allow the devil to derail your destiny.
Again, God’s not through with you.
You have no need to worry, fret, or fear. His mighty hand of favor is outstretched toward you and His perfect will, will be accomplished. The raging storm will not overthrow you. The crashing waves will not drown you. The furnace of affliction will not consume you. The snares of the enemy will not entangle you. The fiercest attack will not destroy you, for the Lord will uphold you.
You, like David, may be going through an intense season of adversity. God sees. He has not abandoned you. The enemy has not and cannot win.
God has pronounced blessings over your life and what He has planned for you will come to pass. So don’t be sidetracked, discouraged and disheartened by the opposition you face. As I often tell you, know who and whose you are. You belong to the Lord.
He has the final say.
In 2 Samuel 18:28, Zadok’s son Ahimaaz delivered news to David that Absaolm and his enemies had been defeated. So I’m stirring the first part of what Ahimaaz told the king right after the victory was won into your cup of inspiration.
In the New Living Translation he said, “Everything is all right!”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that everything is all right.
Because God is not through with you. He’s not finished blessing you. He will rush to your defense in the time of trouble.
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19 KJV).
Now let’s pray.
God, my situation says things won't get better, but I believe Your word. I trust that every promise You've made will come to pass. You have greater for me and I am ready to receive it. I praise You now, even before it happens, in faith that my season for a shift is on the way. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!