That time is coming
Going through right now? Don’t be discouraged. You will inevitably enter your divinely ordained season wherein God liberates you and gives you a brand-new lease on life. It’s about to happen for you. God is going to give you a breakthrough for a specific purpose!
What do you need?
What do you need in your life today? Friend, if you are struggling in any way, through this devotion, God is drawing you close to Him and saying, “Seek me.” He wants to be everything you need. You don’t have to carry that burden alone. Invite God into your situation right now, and watch what He does!
You can’t skip the process
It will rain in your life. You will have hard times. You will cry. There will be tragedy and trauma. All these things are unavoidable, and none of us gets to skip over the process of going through struggles. But God will work it out for your good, turn your mourning into dancing, and your tragedy into triumph!
God has commanded your deliverance!
In today's devotion, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that no matter what you’re going through, when God speaks a word of deliverance over you, the shackles must be loosed, the chains must fall off, and your circumstances must shift!
You will be blessed greatly
When you feel frustrated in your process, trust the God who reigns over the process. Know that He will bless you and give you everything you need if you keep on pressing. That doesn’t mean everything will be perfect or that you will never feel like quitting. Just don’t give up, and you’ll see big blessings unfold!
Trust God through everything
If your present season is one in which you lack clarity, God is challenging, stretching, strengthening and growing your faith muscles, so you can believe Him for greater, and do more for Him. God wants to bless you abundantly, but that requires trusting Him completely. Keep on believing!
God is sheltering you
Don’t spend an ounce of energy wondering and worrying about what Satan has up his sleeve, because the weapon might be formed, but it won’t prosper. God is sheltering you from a storm – one you can’t even see. He’s fighting battles for you that you don’t recognize. Rejoice that you’re protected!
A miracle in the desert
You’re about to see a miracle in your dry place, no matter what it looks like! God is assuring you that whatever you need is flowing to you. Where there is a shortage, He is your supply. Where there lack, He is your abundance. Where there is sickness, He is your healer. Where there is trouble, He is your deliver.
God is in control of 2020
God, who is always in control, covers you, protects you, secures you, and equips you in every circumstance. Victory is yours and so is His divine favor. Knowing this, go ahead and walk boldly through 2020 and beyond with full assurance that everything will be just fine.
Will you fret or rest?
It is time to make a decision right now. Will you choose faith or fear? Will you doubt or believe God? Will you fret or rest? Will you be anxious about everything or anxious about nothing? God has already given you the gift peace through His son, but you have to receive it.
Ministering Under Duress
God is faithful to finish what He started. Even under duress, He has anointed you to be productive. Therefore, you will excel anyway. You will thrive anyway. You will be blessed anyway. God’s will shall be accomplished anyway. His favor will be showered upon you anyway.
God will fully restore
In life, when we go through hard times, we sometimes walk away damaged, in need of help, repair, and restoration. We lose people and things, and moments like this can hurt us deeply. But God is sending you this word to assure you that He will fully restore. And greater things are coming!
It’s your shifting season
Accept the transition – even through the painful and uncomfortable moments. What’s on the other side of this is amazing. Trust God through your dry places. Believe God has equipped you. Willingly give up what you’re used to in exchange for the new and better thing God is doing!
One step away from a breakthrough
You may not be receiving any awards or validation right now. You may not see great things manifesting. Your life may show forth no fruit of obedience yet. That doesn’t mean the steps you’re taking don’t count. Every step counts, especially steps you take by faith!
All you'll ever see is victory
Today, God wants you to check your lens. How are you seeing and interpreting things? Is Scripture guiding you, or is culture influencing you? If you want to preserve your peace and live the abundant life Christ came to give you, see things through His lens, and all you’ll see is victory.
From disappointment to destiny
Facing disappointments? Don’t worry. This road leads to destiny. In the meantime, remember that temporary suffering is tied to the the glory of the Father. Also, through every phase of your journey, as long as you remain faithful, God will cause all things to work together for your good.
Good Friday
Happy Good Friday! Though we call this day good and celebrate it as joyful, it is indeed a solemn day because we focus on the suffering Jesus Christ endured on the cross of Calvary. On Good Friday, we look at the ugliness, pain and horror of crucifixion while giving thanks to God that Christ gave His ife to save ours.
The lie detector
For somebody reading, the enemy has been lying to you and worrying you and making you anxious. He’s been discouraging you and making you feel like God’s good plan for your life won’t unfold. But you have been praying and seeking God’s face, and today’s devotion is God’s response to you.
Although you don’t see Him…
Although you don’t see God, He’s working, and all your problems must bow down at His feet and submit to His will. Don’t fear. Know that God is faithful to bring you through the wilderness, make a way, calm the storm and lift you out of your low place. He’ll do it through His all-surpassing power.
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!