God's Deliberate Delay
Dianna Hobbs reminds us that God’s delays aren’t denials but deliberate timing. When things feel delayed, remember: God’s purpose is always on time.
Powerful things happen overnight!
Holding onto hope when change feels slow? Remember, God is a God of the sudden overnight miracle. Be encouraged by stories of swift breakthroughs.
Straining to see His promises?
Embark on a journey to clearer spiritual vision, where the Word of God sharpens your ability to see beyond life's immediate challenges to the promises that lie ahead.
Between Faith and Fulfillment
God often gives you a word that completely contradicts your circumstances to test your faith and prove His faithfulness. He’s going to do what He said, friend, no matter what it looks like!
Trust in God’s Extraordinary Provision
God will provide for your ordinary needs in extraordinary ways. Trust Him. For He cares about the everyday affairs of your life and has a plan!
God is working in the hidden places
In an underground season? Well, God is working in the hidden places, readying you for greater things. He's setting you up for increase, building your strength, developing your endurance, maturing you, making you wiser, positioning you, and disciplining you for what lies ahead.
What are you saying?
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that speaking the language of faith—words that echo the promises of Scripture, affirmations that align with the teachings of Jesus, and declarations that stand firm on God’s Word in the face of fear—is essential for walking in destiny!
Faith empowers you to overcome
God has big things in store in 2024! His favor and blessings belong to you. But, in order to tap into your divine inheritance, you must activate your faith. Believe, against all odds, that God is who He says He is, and you are who God says you are in His word. Receive this powerful word!
God is setting you up for more
If you are in a season where you are struggling with trauma, trouble, and transition, God sent this word to tell you that something good is coming out of this. And if you can just endure the trial and keep the faith, you’ll see that in the end you will be more blessed than you’ve ever been before.
Take your position
Stand firm in faith. Believe God and watch amazing things happen. When you trust His word in the face of opposition, great blessings are unleashed. When you place your confidence in the Lord above all else, He will manifest His power on your behalf and all will know that He is with you!
Believe His Word
Today’s devotion will surely stir up your spirit! It will remind you that the word of God stands forever which is why you can forever stand on the word of God. Despite what your life, your emotions, and your struggles say right now, God has the final say. His word will come to pass!
God meets you at your point of failure
Today’s encouragement reminds you that when your strength fails, God’s strength never runs out. He’ll uphold you. He’ll take care of you. He’ll love on you. He’ll hold you. He’ll dry your tears. He’ll favor you. He’ll bless you. He’ll feed you in the wilderness. Trust Him!
Open to receive
This word will help you be open to receive what God is releasing this season. If you don’t quit, you will reap a harvest. So, go forward in faith. Give it all you’ve got. Don’t worry about what it looks like. Be open to receive and watch what happens: a blessing will drop right into your hands!
Apply faith pressure!
Don’t know what to do about a situation that’s troubling you? Feeling tense and stressed about? Has the enemy been making you feel like you’ll never get that supernatural release and breakthrough for which you have been longing? Apply some faith pressure and watch what God will do!
Your present trial is a future testimony!
You may be going through something hard. But God is sending you this word to tell you that your struggle, storm, and setback is not about you, and neither is your trial, test, and trouble. Your obstacle is just an opportunity to testify and for God to get glory through your life.
Because you believed
When you believe, things happen. Situations start to shift. Mountains begin to move. Faith changes everything. That’s why it’s so important to be confident in the word of God and stand firm. In today’s inspiration, Dianna motivates you to believe and reminds you that a harvest is coming!
Stand on what you know!
In the face of false evidence appearing real—which is an acronym for fear—God is saying to you, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 ESV). Stand on what you know!
God’s hand is in this
Going through a storm? Can’t see your way out? Does the situation look troubling and concerning? Well, know that God is working behind the scenes in your favor. His mighty hand is outstretched over your situation. All that is required is your faith to activate His power.
Be less rigid
When you become less rigid and more open to receive, God will then open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings for you. He will connect you to people who were never on your radar and give you access to places you could never have dreamed of entering.
Work the faith you have
You may feel like a faith weakling, but if you place whatever faith you do have in the One who is mighty and strong, then you have enough faith to produce healing. To move mountains. To tear down strongholds. To receive your breakthrough. To witness a shift in your circumstances.