Your present trial is a future testimony!
Photo: Getty/Johnny Grieg
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You may be going through something hard today. But God is sending you this word to tell you that your struggle, storm, and setback is not about you. Your trial, test, and trouble is not about you.
Your obstacle is just an opportunity to testify, because God is going to raise you up and get glory through your life.
I completed my annual psychiatric evaluation a couple weeks ago. It’s a part of my ongoing cognitive behavioral therapy treatment plan since sustaining an injury to my brain in 2019.
The psych eval allows my mental health team to assess my progress and see whether the treatment is working or needs to be modified.
The nurse practitioner completing my assessment had never seen me before, since she was filling in for the regular nurse who called out sick that day.
In the beginning of the session, she asked general questions and then requested that I go into deeper detail about what happened to me three years ago.
So, I recounted having a horrific allergic reaction to the antibiotic, Bactrim, experiencing rare and serious side effects that triggered a ministroke and dozens of seizures, and finally leaving the ICU, but with a traumatic brain injury.
And just like that, memories were gone. Language was gone. Mobility was gone. Certainty about life was gone. Emotional stability was gone. Impulse control was gone. The old me was gone.
But you know what wasn’t gone? My faith in the resurrection power of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and my audacity to trust Him and take Him at His word.
Even though challenges abound, where I am now, considering where I was, truly boggles the mind. He healed and restored me!
As I talked, the kind nurse’s eyes grew wide and glassy. She then told me, “Never in my 13 years as a nurse practitioner, have I ever heard of anyone surviving a rare and severe allergic reaction like that—ever. You should be dead.”
Then she asserted, “I say this as an experienced nurse, because there is no other word for what happened to you, you are a miracle!”
I sat there tearfully, thanking God for His miraculous power. And after my evaluation was over, I thanked Him some more for the chance to talk to the nurse about my faith, my prayer life, and the miracle-working power of Jesus Christ.
It was just another opportunity to testify.
“God sent me to tell you, don’t see what you’re going through as an obstacle; see it is an opportunity for God to get glory and prove that there is nothing too hard for Him!”
A few years back, when I was first thrust into this awful health storm, I was devastated and didn’t understand why. But the Lord knew all along that this girl from Buffalo, NY—brain trauma and all— would unapologetically and unashamedly testify that God’s not dead. He’s yet alive!
Friend, I think every follower of Christ, if they live long enough, will at some point feel confused about what He’s doing and why, what He’s allowing and why. I’m pretty sure you’ve felt that way.
The disciples certainly were surprised by and perplexed over Jesus’ actions in John 4. Why in the world was He talking to a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well? they wondered. His interaction with her broke race and gender taboos.
But Jesus, who was God wrapped in flesh, wasn’t concerned about cultural rules and regulations. He was in the business of winning souls and knew this woman would testify.
And that she did.
John 4:39 says, “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony” about Jesus.
And the word testimony in the verse I just mentioned is the Greek word martyreō (Pronounced mar-too-reh'-o), meaning: to be a witness; to have a good report; to give (not to keep back) testimony; to affirm that one has seen, or heard, or experienced something; or to be taught something by divine revelation.
The Samaritan woman raved about Jesus and said, “This could be the Messiah!”
She talked Him up so good, in fact, the Samaritans wanted to meet Jesus and asked Him to stay a while. And Jesus graciously spent two days with the Samaritans and let them experience His words for themselves.
By the time that two-day Messianic revival was over, the other Samaritans told the woman who made the initial introduction, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world” (v. 42).
Listen, your testimony can lead somebody to Jesus so they will know for themselves who He truly is!
He is the Great I Am. The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace. The First and the Last. The Lamb of God. The Living Word. Our King and High Priest. Our Mediator and Intercessor. In Revelation 22:16 Jesus calls Himself, “The Root and Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star.”
He opens blinded eyes, makes the lame walk and the mute speak. He defeated death and removed the reproach of sin with His precious blood. Jesus is His name—and I believe that He died and rose again and is exactly who He says He is.
As the seasoned saints used to say, “You can’t make me doubt Him; I know too much about Him!”
I know my Redeemer lives.
He lives inside of me and you, too. And the same God that restored me will restore you. Heal you. Elevate you. Increase you. Loose those shackles that bind you. Reveal Himself to you. And supernaturally answer your prayer requests.
And when He does, make sure you go and tell somebody that surely the Lord is able and has everything you need.
Though Satan is on the prowl, and the chief adversary tries his best to make you feel defeated, he’s a liar.
Jesus said in Revelation 12:11 KJV—which is the sweetener I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration— “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that your present trial is really a future testimony of God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and saving power.
You won’t be stuck here forever. Oh no. God specializes in putting what should conquer you under your feet and making it a platform for you to stand on to tell of His goodness.
Now, pray this prayer with me.
God, thank You that my present trial is just a future testimony. You already have a plan to turn this around. So, help me not to be weary and discouraged but to stay in expectation of breakthrough. I believe with all my heart that just as I have seen You do it for others, You will shift my situation too, and make my life an awe-inspiring testimony for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!