One of Those Frustrating Days
In this raw and honest devotional, Dianna Hobbs shares a powerful truth: God works most visibly through our weaknesses. If you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck, this message is for you.
When God Seems Too Late
In this Devotion, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that God specializes in breathing life into dead circumstances, and He's about to turn your "too late" into a resurrection story proving there is nothing "too hard" for God.
You Will Get Up Better
Feeling stuck, like you're making no progress? God has a word for you: You will get up better!
Straining to see His promises?
Embark on a journey to clearer spiritual vision, where the Word of God sharpens your ability to see beyond life's immediate challenges to the promises that lie ahead.
Between Faith and Fulfillment
God often gives you a word that completely contradicts your circumstances to test your faith and prove His faithfulness. He’s going to do what He said, friend, no matter what it looks like!
Trust in God’s Extraordinary Provision
God will provide for your ordinary needs in extraordinary ways. Trust Him. For He cares about the everyday affairs of your life and has a plan!
God is working in the hidden places
In an underground season? Well, God is working in the hidden places, readying you for greater things. He's setting you up for increase, building your strength, developing your endurance, maturing you, making you wiser, positioning you, and disciplining you for what lies ahead.
What are you saying?
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that speaking the language of faith—words that echo the promises of Scripture, affirmations that align with the teachings of Jesus, and declarations that stand firm on God’s Word in the face of fear—is essential for walking in destiny!
Faith empowers you to overcome
God has big things in store in 2024! His favor and blessings belong to you. But, in order to tap into your divine inheritance, you must activate your faith. Believe, against all odds, that God is who He says He is, and you are who God says you are in His word. Receive this powerful word!
God is setting you up for more
If you are in a season where you are struggling with trauma, trouble, and transition, God sent this word to tell you that something good is coming out of this. And if you can just endure the trial and keep the faith, you’ll see that in the end you will be more blessed than you’ve ever been before.
Your Next Will Be Greater!
The downsizing comes before the expansion. Your destiny is still on course. Your blessings are still on the way. God is still going to do what He promised and give you more than you were even expecting! The greater the pruning, the greater the productivity!
God is making a statement!
In today’s message, God is emphasizing that some of your struggles, storms, and negative situations are simply setups for Him to make a statement confirming that He is with you—and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper! Receive this word and be blessed.
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
The miracle-working power of Jesus is active
If you believe, Jesus will reveal His glory to you and through you just as He did in Bible days. No matter what skeptics say, He still cures incurable diseases, restores sight to the blind, sets captives free, and snatches souls from the grip of death. He has done it for me!
Take your position
Stand firm in faith. Believe God and watch amazing things happen. When you trust His word in the face of opposition, great blessings are unleashed. When you place your confidence in the Lord above all else, He will manifest His power on your behalf and all will know that He is with you!
Believe His Word
Today’s devotion will surely stir up your spirit! It will remind you that the word of God stands forever which is why you can forever stand on the word of God. Despite what your life, your emotions, and your struggles say right now, God has the final say. His word will come to pass!
Declare This: 'It will happen for me'
Things might not look great right now. That’s alright. Your situation will turn around. You will see progress. You will step into your destiny. You will rise from the ashes as an example of God’s unfailing word. Your restoration and reactivation season is just around the corner.
God is taking you an indirect route
If you are in a season where God has ordained a detour, you may not fully understand what God is doing, but you can fully trust Him anyway. Stand firm in your faith. Declare that this indirect route, this road that leads you off the beaten path also leads to manifestation and blessings!
Embrace the Truth
Have you ever bought into a false narrative about yourself that proved to be harmful, limiting, discouraging, and toxic? The truth is, at some point, we all have. But God wants you to release every lie and embrace what He says about you which will push you into your ultimate destiny!