It’s rebuilding season
In today’s devotion, God is speaking life over you and commanding the dry bones of your dreams to rise up—as the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 did at His command—and live again. He is breathing new life into your situation. He’s rebuilding and restoring you for His glory!
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
God is visiting your valley
Sometimes we sink so low that it looks like we will never rise again. But never stop hoping in God. Never stop expecting Him to visit your valley as He has visited mine. Never stop anticipating the day when He will perform His word and fulfill every promise He has made.
Don’t let the flame go out
God is speaking to you through this devotion and reminding you to make room for Him. He wants to strengthen you, renew you, restore you, empower you, and anoint you afresh. He wants to stretch forth His hand and rekindle the flames of faith within you and give you whatever you need to go on.
Be willing to embrace the new
When one season ends, a new season begins. It’s not over. But, in order to move forward into your promise, you must be willing to release the old, and embrace the new. Don’t convince yourself that your best years are behind you, when your best days are actually ahead of you. God wants to do more!