Don’t let the flame go out
I love scented candles and keep them lit around the house. Vanilla, one of my favorite scents, with its mellow, sweet aroma relaxes me and pleases my senses.
The other day I lit a couple vanilla-scented candles in my bedroom. Since my candle lighter stopped working, I set the wick ablaze the old school way, with a match. First, I set alight the candle sitting on my dresser then walked over to the one resting on my chest.
As I walked, the flame on the wooden matchstick flickered, threatening to go out. Quickly, to protect it, I slowed my pace and cupped my hand around the dancing orange and blue glow, feeling its warmth against my left palm.
I knew that too much exposure to the air meant the spark would go up in smoke. A hand guard and change of pace were all that was needed to keep the flame going.
Friend, pacing and guarding are both necessary to keep flames burning, whether they are on a matchstick or within your heart. Kindling a fire is easy but keeping it burning is difficult. Sometimes, we burn out and get weary because we don’t slow our pace long enough to guard the fire that fuels our faith.
In Jeremiah 20:7-18, we find Jeremiah the Prophet feeling depressed, discouraged, and deflated—even cursing the day he was born (vv. 14-18). Clearly, he was going through a lot and in serious emotional pain.
At the time, Jeremiah was being persecuted for speaking God’s word and prophesying the truth about the divine judgment coming to Judah. Many people, including those he considered friends, had turned on him and mocked him. He had even been beaten and locked up (vv. 1-2). He was having an awfully difficult time.
With all the worrisome things Jeremiah was going through, despite being divinely anointed and chosen, his humanness made him feel like giving up. Instead of throwing in the towel, however, Jeremiah slowed his pace and talked to God about what he was going through. That’s the key right there! Slow down and talk to God.
“Give that situation over to God. Not only does He have the solution, but when you go to Him in faith, He will refresh you, give you supernatural strength, and favor you like never before!”
As attractive a proposition as quitting ministry and going into early retirement seemed to a burnout Jeremiah, in verse 9, he said, “But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”
You see that? God’s word is the fire. His promise is the flame. His blessed assurance is the very thing that ignites our faith.
Jeremiah said—and I’m paraphrasing— when I would give up, God’s word restrains me and keeps me from quitting. That’s why prayer and the word of God are essential to the believer: they keep our faith flames from going out!
Is it any wonder why Satan hates it when we slow down and commune with the Lord, and guard our hearts by feasting on God’s word? This is what makes us strong. And few things are more intimidating to the enemy than a strong believer who is anchored in Christ!
That’s why God is speaking to you through this devotion and reminding you to make room for Him. He wants to strengthen you, renew you, restore you, empower you, and anoint you afresh. When you get down because circumstances are imperfect (and downright messy!), if you would just slow down and fall at the feet of Jesus, He will stretch forth His hand. He will rekindle the flames of faith within you and give you whatever you need to go on.
You’ve got to know that God is with you right now, wherever you may be. He is fighting for you, favoring you, and fueling the fire in you. To remind you that you’re not alone, I’m stirring the first portion of Jeremiah 20:11 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, let God, the mighty warrior, make you steadfast and strong. Spend time with Him so your flame won’t go out. Let God minister to you, refresh and restore you anew!
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for rekindling the flames of faith within me that the enemy tried to snuff out with discouragement, fear, worry, and lies. I praise You for being my mighty warrior, strong deliver, restorer, and lifter of my head. You alone are my strength and redeemer who gives me power to courageously walk by faith and not by sight. For this, I will forever serve You and praise Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!