Prophetic Empowering Everyday Women Prophetic Empowering Everyday Women

God has spoken a word over you

There is a prophetic promise over your life, and it is irrevocable. That means it cannot be changed or reversed. It is final. In other words, God—and not your circumstances, however they may look—has the final say. So, stand on His promises and trust His word no matter what!

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devotion, faith Empowering Everyday Women devotion, faith Empowering Everyday Women

Believe His Word

Today’s devotion will surely stir up your spirit! It will remind you that the word of God stands forever which is why you can forever stand on the word of God. Despite what your life, your emotions, and your struggles say right now, God has the final say. His word will come to pass!

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devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

We know.

It’s tough when your expectations are not met. But God is sending this word to remind you that negative outcomes do not override His promises. Because we know that He will work things out for our good, we can stand fast and be encouraged by what we know despite what we see!

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devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

God did not forget

God has spoken forever promises over you. They will never reach their date of expiration but will surely reach a date of manifestation. Due season is coming for you, and when it arrives, you will know beyond any doubt that God is a promise-keeper. He is a faithful God.

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restoration Empowering Everyday Women restoration Empowering Everyday Women

Don’t let the flame go out

God is speaking to you through this devotion and reminding you to make room for Him. He wants to strengthen you, renew you, restore you, empower you, and anoint you afresh. He wants to stretch forth His hand and rekindle the flames of faith within you and give you whatever you need to go on.

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devotion, Spiritual Attack Empowering Everyday Women devotion, Spiritual Attack Empowering Everyday Women

This attack is producing a blessing

Despite the attacks, challenges and hardship, keep smiling. Keep dancing. Keep praising. Keep rejoicing. Keep knowing beyond any doubt that this attack is producing a blessing. That’s the word God has for you today. If you can keep trusting Him through it, He’ll keep blessing you and causing you to rise above the adversity and emerge from the fiery furnace of affliction as pure gold!

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faith Empowering Everyday Women faith Empowering Everyday Women

Perspective Matters

Do you ever find yourself mentally overblowing your issues and allowing yourself to be intimidated, battered by doubt, assaulted by worry, and attacked by fear? We all have at some point. But if you put your issues in proper perspective, you would see that they are in NO WAY more powerful than God!

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Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, blog, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women Cup of Inspiration, Dianna Hobbs, blog, inspiration Empowering Everyday Women

When God commands a blessing...

If you are facing something difficult that is beyond your control today, this word is for you. Don’t worry, because Jesus is standing by. He has taken notice of your situation, and He is placing His hand upon you. He is speaking new life into your circumstances and flexing His power!

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