God's Deliberate Delay
Dianna Hobbs reminds us that God’s delays aren’t denials but deliberate timing. When things feel delayed, remember: God’s purpose is always on time.
It’s Better To Remain Silent
Arrest negative thoughts and doubt before they erode your faith. Stay silent when fear rises and trust in God’s promises.
When God takes you the long way
Is your breakthrough taking a long time to manifest? Are you feeling a little discouraged? The road may be rocky and the trial may last longer than you want it to. But, since God has seen fit to take you this route, trust that His ways are always right, and He is doing it for your good.
You have mountain-moving faith
Challenges, obstacles, hindrances, and issues are unavoidable. We all face them. But when you have the equipping power of the Holy Spirit on the inside, as long as you tap into your faith, you have mountain-moving power. In order to activate this power, you must believe at all costs.
You will win with what you have
Whatever challenge arises, you are well able to overcome them because God fights for you. The Lord has equipped you. God knew what you were working with before He called you. And you will win with what you have! Whatever challenge arises, you are well able to overcome them because God fights for you.
Your due season is coming!
If you’re going through lots of changes, good or bad, you’re in transition. And while they may feel uncomfortable, the shift will benefit you in the end. This turn of events, though it might not seem like it at the moment, will produce great results and position you to receive all God has for you.
It’s not for you to know
In today’s devotion, Dianna Hobbs says, in dark seasons, remind yourself that you are in the hands of a good God who is sovereign, all-powerful and strategic. He is never off duty. God is always working. And though you may not know His full plan for you, He certainly has an incredible one.
Expect God to show you favor
Expect God to show you favor. Expect Him to be gracious to you. Expect Him to loose every chain and break every stronghold. Expect Him to heal your body and turn your situation around. Be bold and confident as you approach His throne of grace. Tell Him what you need. He will answer you!
By His Spirit
The spirit of God is hovering over you and working in your situation, so don’t let hardship discourage you. Don’t be intimidated by obstacles. Even if it seems like what you’re believing for is impossible, the spirit of God makes it possible. Trust the Lord. With His help, it will happen!
Be bold. Ask for help.
Whatever it is you need, God is sitting on His throne of grace right now. When you cry out to Him, He listens and answers. He is ready, willing and able to heal, restore, provide, comfort, set free, and defeat every enemy for you. From this day forward, be specific about what you need God to do.
When God commands a blessing...
If you are facing something difficult that is beyond your control today, this word is for you. Don’t worry, because Jesus is standing by. He has taken notice of your situation, and He is placing His hand upon you. He is speaking new life into your circumstances and flexing His power!
God is giving you supernatural strength
What are you going through? How do you need God to manifest Himself in your circumstances? He will do it. There is no problem too big. There is no mountain too high. There is no challenge too great. There is no obstacle too imposing. He’s supernaturally strengthening you now!
Streams will flow
Even if you’re going through a season of lack right now, rest in knowing that God will cause streams to flow to you. His word to you is, “Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”
God will help you reach your goal
Got a goal or dream that seems out of reach? Don’t worry. In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that when you are anointed, called, and destined to do something, God will flex His power for you and will see to it that you are able to grab hold of everything He has for you!
Ask for and expect overflow
God loves to bless you so you can bless others. In today’s encouragement, Dianna Hobbs says, start asking Him for overflow. Believe Him to open Heaven’s floodgates and give you the kind of blessing you won’t have room to receive. Trust Him to enlarge you and expand you!
God neutralizes the enemy
While it may be true that you’re under attack, it isn’t true that this will destroy you. The Lord may allow the struggle, but He also knows right when to neutralize the enemy and put a shield of protection, favor, and strength around you. Trust God to take care of you. You have no need to worry!
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 3
Have your trials ever given you a temporary case of amnesia and made you forget how faithful God is? Has prolonged trouble worn you down and pushed you into a cycle of complaining? Has a series of setbacks caused you to worry more than you worship?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 2
As emotionally unsettling as waiting, struggling, and not knowing may be, we all deal with this. No one fully knows the will of God. That’s why you can’t let your feelings lead you, or you will complain and embrace a false narrative that says, God doesn’t hear me…
28 Days of Gratitude Series: Day 1
In the month of November, just in time for Thanksgiving season, “Your Daily Cup of Inspiration” writer Dianna Hobbs is filling your cup to the brim with thankfulness. Her new blog series, “28 Days of Gratitude” walks you through a process of seeing God’s grace every single day. Read Day #1!
God is moving you
God is moving you and ushering you into a new season, and He is replacing opposition with open doors. He’s causing you to be blessed where you were once attacked. He is making what used to be hard easy for you, and He’s swinging doors wide open in your favor!