By His Spirit
I was about 12 years old when a pastor singled me out and told me, “God said, ‘The path for your life is already mapped out. All you have to do is follow God, and He will bless you.’”
I sat still in the pew, soaking in every word he said from the pulpit. The preacher also told me that God would put the right people in my life and fulfill His purpose through me. Although I didn’t fully understand what was being conveyed to me, long after the service was over, the pastor’s words lingered in my mind.
For years, I wondered what kind of people God would send to help me. In fact, I assumed that whoever they were, God would let them do all the hard work, and I would reap the rewards. I naively expected my destiny to be delivered to me on a silver platter. In my youthful ignorance, I had no idea that God would use my hands to begin the work and send help later.
These days, I see the fulfillment of the word God spoke to me all those years ago, but it didn’t happen immediately. I had to start small, and sometimes I had to walk alone. But when the time came for me to expand and do greater things for the Kingdom, God sent assistance. However, there were moments when the work seemed too great for me to achieve, and things looked impossible. But through the journey, I learned to lean on God and trust in His power.
Zechariah 4:6 comes to mind: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.” In this verse, the prophet Zechariah was receiving divine interpretation of a vision that he was instructed to share with Zerubbabel, governor of Judah. Zerubbabel was responsible for rebuilding the temple after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. He had already laid the foundation, but there was lots more work to be done.
To keep Zerubbabel from being discouraged due to the enormity of the task before him, God sent a word as a reminder that human strength and ability alone would not complete the assignment. The anointing of God would make the completion of the temple possible.
“God is able to help you accomplish things that you think you cannot do. If you remember that you are never alone, and God’s Spirit is at work in your life, you won’t be so stressed and worried.”
The word Spirit that is used in Zechariah 4:6 is the Hebrew word Ruach, meaning breath, wind, or spirit, and it denotes the very breath of God. It is His power! This word is also used in Genesis 1:1-2 when God was creating the heavens and earth, and the Spirit—the Ruach—hovered over the waters. Essentially, God told Zechariah that the same power that was working during creation would also make the rebuilding of the temple possible.
Friend, the Ruach of God is hovering over you and working in your situation, so don’t let hardship discourage you. Don’t be intimidated by obstacles. Even if it seems like what you’re believing for is impossible, the Spirit of God makes it possible. I can testify to this. When I look at how far God has brought me for the glory of His name, I know I could not have done this alone.
You have to know that God has spoken a word over you. And when God speaks, what He says takes shape and becomes a tangible reality. This happened during creation in Genesis, and it is still happening today. I believe that God is declaring a “let there be” word over you. Let there be increase. Let there be healing. Let there be breakthrough. Let there be restoration. Let there be growth. Let there be reconciliation. Let there be more favor. Again, whatever God speaks will happen. Whatever His Spirit breathes on comes to life.
This year, God is going to prove Himself to you again. The work you have been anointed to do will be completed. Just be steadfast. Don’t give up. Keep on pushing. And don’t forget to praise God in advance for what’s already done.
To remind you of the great power of the One you serve, I’m stirring Jeremiah 10:12 (NLT) into your cup of inspiration, which says, “But God made the earth by his power, and he preserves it by his wisdom. With his own understanding he stretched out the heavens.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, take comfort in knowing that the same God who created and controls the whole universe is in control of your situation. And the same power that was present at creation is present in your circumstances and producing the outcome that aligns with God’s will.
Now let’s pray.
God, thank You that by Your Spirit, I have everything I need to overcome every obstacle and lay hold of my divine destiny. By faith I declare that I will conquer every problem and adversity—not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit. I praise You for victory today! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!