Unbox God
Yesterday, God spoke to me with unmistakable clarity, saying, “My people have confined Me and limited what I can do for them because they won’t believe. They no longer believe in My miracles, My prophecies, or unconventional demonstrations of My power. Tell them to unbox Me and see what I will do for them.”
Our youngest daughter, Kaiah, has a particular fondness for unboxing videos. Perhaps you're wondering, as I have, what draws her to these digital unveilings.
If you're not familiar, unboxing videos showcase the first unveiling of a new product as it's liberated from its cardboard confines. Kaiah tells me it's the intricate details, the process itself, that captivates her. For her, there's an undeniable allure in witnessing an item's journey from potential to presence, from concealed to revealed.
While not everyone may be stirred by this trend, there is a divine form of unboxing that, I believe, we can all appreciate: the unboxing of God. We understand that God, in essence, cannot be contained. Yet, we frequently constrain Him within our limited frameworks of feasibility and assumptions of possibility.
It's time to remove the constraints we have placed on Him.
It deeply grieves God to witness the open, bold, and arrogant ways some choose to dismiss His supernatural works. They sow seeds of doubt about His wondrous signs and miracles, despite Jesus' promise that after His return to the Father, if we believe, we will perform “greater works” as stated in John 14:12.
Through this word, the Lord is confronting the enemy's schemes that aim to diminish His wondrous works. In this season, God has imparted a message for you: if you embrace faith, you will witness a move of God that is undeniably miraculous. So, prepare yourself to experience the divine acts of God in your life as a testament to your faith.
To unbox God is to brandish our faith like a blade, slicing through the tape of doubt and tearing away the bubble wrap of fear. Our belief unveils the splendor of an omnipotent God, one who transcends the limitations of our finite minds.
Ask yourself, have you inadvertently boxed God in due to preconceived notions, past disappointments, or mental models shaped by life's vicissitudes? Have we not all, at one time or another, succumbed to the belief that barriers exist which can hinder His glorious work in and around us?
The Same God
Take, for example, the recent heavenly spectacle of the total solar eclipse. Did you manage to see it? Here in Buffalo, the skies were draped in a cloak of grey clouds that seemed to whisper, "No celestial show for you today." My husband, Kenya, ever the realist, braced us for the likely letdown: “We probably won't see anything, best to stay indoors.”
Looking up at the sky through the window, it appeared he was right. Even so, we went outside. My family and I stood under the shadowed sky, not with clear sight, but laden with expectation, yearning to witness the storied phenomenon.
And then, as if on cue, God's hand swept over the canvas of heaven, and the clouds parted, revealing the sun's fiery crown. In that moment, I was reminded that the same God who parted the skies and seas in the Scriptures is still showcasing His majesty to us today. Unhindered by external conditions and unconstrained by our perspectives, God will penetrate even the seemingly impenetrable when He is ready to make Himself known.
This event evoked the image of the Israelites, those ancient wanderers, guided through the wilderness by God’s own hand in Exodus 13. The cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night served as their divine compass—the original GPS, God's Positioning System—displaying God’s sovereignty over creation and steadfast commitment to His children.
In light of His awesomeness, with the box-cutter of faith in hand, let us free ourselves from the packaging of limitation and behold His splendor. As we acknowledge His work within our lives every day, we will witness the boundless wonders of God unboxed.
Human Limitations
I share this reflection from a place of vulnerability, as my own human limitations have been at the forefront of my mind. You're familiar with my health journey since 2019—a journey that has taught me much about waiting and recovery. I had hoped and believed that the effects of brain trauma and a weakened immune system would be fully rectified before I resumed my calling.
How wrong I was.
Frequent colds, a reminder of my fragile health, often threaten to silence my voice—both literally and metaphorically. The thought of recording a podcast or ministering in person can seem daunting. Despite the discomfort of this ongoing cycle, I recognize that God is using this tumultuous journey, with all its highs and lows, to demonstrate a profound truth: His glory and majesty do not depend on ideal circumstances—His most remarkable work unfolds amidst our fiercest storms. And so, I reach out to you now, in the midst of my frailty, fully understanding that the Lord's power is most evident when I feel weakest.
One particular morning, feeling unwell, I was on the verge of canceling my plans and succumbing to rest, when God's voice pierced through with stark clarity: "What you perceive as your weakness, Dianna, I see as an opportunity for My strength to shine."
Then He urged, “Go with the strength you have”—a directive straight from Judges 6. In this passage, God speaks to Gideon, a man plagued by self-doubt, who felt utterly incapable of overcoming the Midianites. Gideon's hesitation is something many of us can relate to. He saw himself as insignificant, yet God saw a leader. He calls us not to be flawless but to be willing.
The Gideon Complex
That doubtful morning, God also said to me, "Dianna, set an example. Many shrink back in their frailty, instead of moving forward to demonstrate My strength."
Interestingly, Gideon was hiding in a winepress when the Angel of the Lord greeted him as a "mighty warrior." Even with his self-imposed limitations, God saw a victor where Gideon saw a failure, ultimately leading him to a triumph that could only be attributed to divine intervention.
We, like Gideon, tend to mistakenly believe that our lives must conform to some arbitrary standard before God can utilize us. But where is that written? Certainly not in the Scriptures! Therefore, I am taking a stand against "The Gideon Complex."
"The Gideon Complex" will try to keep you on the sidelines when you're meant to be on the frontlines. It will entice you to cower in fear when you should be conquering through faith. It will encourage you to doubt when you should be stepping out with assurance. It will intimidate you into timidity when you should be proclaiming with authority.
But today, by the authority of Christ, I come against "The Gideon Complex"—and any other complex—that might be stealing your destiny. Resist it!
Let's unbox God from the constraints we've set and watch as He transforms our weaknesses into a display of His omnipotence, a testament to His immeasurable power. For when we are weak, then we are indeed strong—through His might (2 Corinthians 12:10).
Cast Your Nets
Consider Simon Peter and his encounter with Jesus by Lake Gennesaret—also called the Sea of Galilee in Luke 5:1-10. At the time, Jesus was gaining momentum as a teacher and healer, and the crowd pressed in on Him to hear the Word of God. There, Jesus came upon Peter, along with James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners in the fishing business. These weary fishermen had finished their night's work and were tending to their nets, the tools of their trade.
In a divinely orchestrated moment, Jesus stepped into Simon's boat, effectively transforming it from a simple fishing vessel into a floating pulpit. After teaching the masses from this makeshift stage, Jesus turned to Simon and issued a challenge that invited him to unbox his understanding of what was possible.
"Push out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch," Jesus instructed.
Simon, marked by the skepticism of a man who had toiled tirelessly without reward, responded, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything—not even a minnow”—the smallest and seemingly easiest fish to catch.
Despite Simon’s initial leeriness and weariness, at Jesus' command, he relented. That decision—to trust in Jesus' word—was Simon's moment of spiritual unboxing, akin to cutting through the tape of a sealed box to reveal the treasures within. By casting his nets once more, Simon unboxed the potential for divine provision hidden just beneath the watery surface of his doubts.
The resulting miracle was overwhelming! The nets, once empty, now teemed with fish. Simon's boat, along with that of James and John, teetered on the brink of capsizing due to the sheer bounty of their catch. Simon Peter's identity was also unboxed in that instant, shedding his simple fisherman persona to emerge as a disciple of Christ, a 'fisher of men.'
“God said, prophesy this to you: ‘If you take the limits off your faith, He’ll bless you so greatly, you won’t be able to manage it all on your own.’”
Discover Endless Possibilities
At the core of Simon Peter's experience is a profound lesson: by adhering to God's Word, we unleash blessings that surpass our understanding. When we invite God into our lives, granting Him control as we sail across faith's boundless waters, we discover endless possibilities and ultimately our divine purpose.
Today, I feel compelled to stir the waters of your faith. I encourage you to dive deep, to anchor your hope beyond what is seen, to overcome the shadows of past disappointments by casting your nets into the unknown. Dare to believe, and you will discover God, ready and willing to rip you out of your self-imposed box and bestow the same abundant blessings He granted Simon Peter.
By releasing God from the confines of our limited expectations, we welcome the harvest He has prepared for us. We invite Him to revitalize our barren spaces, to redefine our purpose, and to guide us toward the abundant life He has promised.
I implore you, do not confine God. Do not doubt His capabilities. Dismiss the notion that yesterday's disappointments can restrain tomorrow's victories. Break free from the chains of doubt and fear. For God is declaring to you today, "Behold, I am about to do something new " (Isaiah 43:19).
If You Do This, He’ll Do That
If you unbox Him, He'll unleash the impossible. If you unbox Him, He'll manifest Himself in ways that defy logic. If you unbox Him, He’ll transform what was stagnant into a fountain of new beginnings. If you unbox Him, He'll turn your wilderness into a land flowing with milk and honey. If you unbox Him, He'll transform your trials into triumphs. If you unbox Him, He'll turn your obstacles into opportunities.
If you unbox Him, He’ll move mountains with your mustard seed of faith. If you unbox Him, He’ll knock down the barriers to your promised future. If you unbox Him, His light will cut through the dark clouds with the dawn of His glory. If you unbox Him, He’ll do "exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).
God is preparing to bless those who embrace this word today. He's challenging your faith with purpose—to transform your life, to bestow upon you blessings so abundant you cannot contain them, to usher in prosperity where there was scarcity, and to unlock the fullness of what He has in store for you.
Listen friend, when you unbox God, when you strip away the layers of limitation, you ignite the flame of the miraculous. You welcome the God of the extraordinary into your ordinary, and there, in that sacred space, the impossible becomes your living, breathing reality.
If your thoughts have been caged in smallness, God sent me for you. To remind you of the great God we serve and His limitless power, I’m sweetening your cup of inspiration with Psalm 147:5 (MSG): "Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we'll never comprehend what he knows and does."
As you savor this cup, I prophesy that by unboxing God—letting go of the limitations you've placed on Him—He will in turn unbox you, causing your spirit to overflow with renewed faith. You will then bear witness as He surpasses your expectations and shatters your constraints. He is ready, able, and waiting.
Will you unbox Him?
Now, let’s pray.
Omnipotent God, for whom nothing is too hard, we humbly stand in Your presence today, recognizing Your infinite wisdom, power, and sovereignty. Grant us the fortitude to anticipate the miraculous, shedding the remnants of past failures and disappointments that have led us to question our potential in You. As You transform our minds and bolster our faith, we express our gratitude in advance for the miracles, breakthroughs, favor, and blessings that you will release because we have chosen to unbox You. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!