The Glory Rests on You
Photo: Rob Kerr/AFP via Getty Images
Isaiah 6:3 tells us that the whole earth is full of God’s glory. Isn’t it an incredible privilege to see glimpses of it through nature?
This profound truth of Scripture becomes even more magnificent when we witness extraordinary natural events like the total solar eclipse—when the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun, blocking its light from reaching parts of the planet. In areas where the Sun’s light is completely blocked – known as the path of totality – it looks as if dusk has fallen, temperatures drop, and some stars become visible. Today we will see Psalm 19:1 come alive, which states, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
The Hobbs family, like many others in Buffalo, NY, eagerly awaits the glory of God in the form of the Great North American Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. It’s the second total solar eclipse in the United States in less than seven years, and we’re fortunate to be directly in its path.
The house buzzed with excitement as we all made sure to have our special eclipse safety glasses at the ready—a stark reminder of the power and majesty of God. Just as no one can look directly at the Sun during a total eclipse without risking eye damage, the glory of God is a splendor so overwhelming it cannot be fully comprehended or beheld by mortal eyes!
The Bible brims with instances of God's glory—His magnificence, worth, loveliness, and grandeur—revealed through His creation and redemptive acts. These "God-flexes," as I fondly call them, are splendid, majestic, and glorious, as depicted in Psalm 111:3. They serve as potent reminders of God's omnipotence and omnipresence.
I've borne witness to countless God-flexes, from miraculous healings beyond medical explanation to the restoration of abilities lost to brain injury. These experiences have bolstered my faith and daily remind me to be vigilant for God's glory, for He is perpetually at work, showcasing His might and splendor.
God has commissioned me to remind you of His sovereignty and prophesy that you're on the brink of witnessing a God-flex in your life where you need it most. I'm here to prime you for God's imminent intervention in your affairs. You might as well start rejoicing now because when God flexes, diseases are healed, miracles are manifested, doors are opened, and the impossible becomes possible. When God flexes, strongholds crumble, ways are made where there were none, chains are broken, the weary find rest, the lost are found, abundance flows, and failure gives way to favor.
By faith, before your breakthrough manifests, lift your voice and tell God, “Thank You for flexing on my behalf!”
“God told me to tell you, ‘You’re about to see a supernatural intervention in your affairs. The Lord is going to flex His power on your behalf and leave you awestruck.’ Get ready! ”
The Glory of God Transforms
God demonstrated His power to Moses in Exodus 33, after Moses interceded for the wayward Israelites, imploring God not to withdraw His presence. Israel had incurred God's wrath by worshiping a golden calf (Exodus 32), despite His gracious deliverance from Egyptian bondage and display of awe-inspiring miracles.
Moses recognized the peril of losing God's favor, which would mean no power and no fulfillment of promises. Seeking reassurance of God's continued favor, Moses made a bold plea: "I pray that you will let me see you in all of your glory" (Exodus 33:18).
God assured Moses of His presence but warned of the dangers of beholding His full glory: "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live," said the Lord (Exodus 33:20). Instead, He allowed Moses only a partial view of His divine majesty. As God passed by, He sheltered Moses in the cleft of a rock, shielding him with His hand, permitting a glimpse of His back.
This fleeting exposure to God's glory was all that Moses could endure, yet it sufficed to transform him. When Moses descended from Mount Sinai, bearing the covenant and the Ten Commandments, his countenance radiated God's glory so intensely that Aaron and the Israelites recoiled in fear (Exodus 34:29-30).
Friend, one cannot encounter God's glory without undergoing a profound transformation. The glory of God changes us, and this holds true for anyone who seeks Him, anyone who longs for the beauty of His splendor. Because to seek His glory is to seek Jesus Himself. For according to Hebrews 1:3, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.”
When you seek God's glory, you seek Jesus: the Son; the Sacrificial Lamb; the Sinless Offering; the Wonderful Counselor; the Prince of Peace; the King of Kings; the Lord of Lords; the Living Water and Living Bread—who is now seated at the right hand of God, making intercession for us (Romans 8:34).
When the Son Shines
Consider this: just as the Sun shines brightly in the sky, Jesus, the Son of God, shines gloriously in our lives. His light pierces the darkest night. His warmth comforts the coldest heart. His radiance lights our path. Jesus, the Light of the World, chases away every shadow of doubt and fear.
When the Son shines, chains are broken. When the Son shines, darkness is overcome by light. When the Son shines, hope is restored. When the Son shines, joy fills our souls. When the Son shines, peace prevails. When the Son shines, we walk in victory. When the Son shines, we are more than conquerors.
My prayer for you today is encapsulated in Numbers 6:24-26 NIV, the sweetener I'm stirring into your cup of inspiration—“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
As you savor your cup, be assured that His glory envelopes you even now. For in the face of Jesus, we witness the fullness of divine glory—the glory that transforms, the glory that heals, the glory that delivers, the glory that destroys yokes, the glory that mends the brokenhearted, the glory that recovers what's been lost, the glory that fortifies the weak, the glory that resurrects life from ashes.
Today, I pronounce over you: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rests upon you” (Isaiah 60:1 CSB). Be confident that His favor, power, and promises will manifest in your life.
Now, let us pray,
God, we are grateful for the assurance that Your glory is upon us, granting us access by faith to miracles, signs, and wonders. Refresh us with Your Spirit, and let Your glory be revealed in our lives in unprecedented ways, so the world may witness Your power and know that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is still at work in those who believe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.