One of Those Frustrating Days
In this raw and honest devotional, Dianna Hobbs shares a powerful truth: God works most visibly through our weaknesses. If you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck, this message is for you.
Victory In The Valley
In this anointed devotion, Dianna Hobbs confirms that even in chaos, your steps are ordered by God and headed toward victory!
Your Next Will Be Greater!
The downsizing comes before the expansion. Your destiny is still on course. Your blessings are still on the way. God is still going to do what He promised and give you more than you were even expecting! The greater the pruning, the greater the productivity!
God is in your hard place
Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard place in your life and didn’t know what to do? In these moments, Christ the Rock of our salvation is there in the midst of it all. If you are going through personal challenges, through this message, the Lord is confirming His presence and promises.
God sees you
In stormy seasons, when you are hurting with no relief in sight, feeling forsaken, stagnant, and lost, it seems that you are invisible to God. But the Lord is assuring you that He sees you, He is visiting your wilderness, and speaking a word over you. You are significant. He will make you fruitful!
You're being followed
The storms of life will sometimes push you right to the brink, but the hand of the Lord is forever outstretched, releasing protection and provision, blessings and favor, harvests and miracles. This is confirmation that the goodness and mercy of the Lord will manifest in your life at every turn.
Discouraged? God’s not done
Things may not look the best today. Prayer requests may still be unanswered. But God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory!
God is in this place
You are never alone. Whatever place you find yourself in, God is there. He’s speaking to you now and reaching out to you in your situation to assure you that He guides you and has good plans for you. Just as the Lord promised to bless Jacob and his seed, He promises to bless you also.
There is power in your mouth
What kind of words are you speaking? Think about it. Speaking faith-based words instead of fear-based words takes work, time, dedication, and practice. Our native, fleshly tongue, is accustomed to uttering words of fear, but we must train ourselves to utter words of faith.
Remember: All is not lost
Whatever you may lose along the way, the most valuable treasure, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh then died and rose for our sins, will never leave nor forsake you. He is with you always. He will lead you always. He will take care of you always. He will provide for you always. He will restore you always.