Discouraged? God’s not done
If you follow my blog and (formerly daily) podcast, you know what one of my most talked about battles following brain trauma is: memory problems.
These days, I am still plenty forgetful. I forget to turn the water off. To close jars. To shut cabinets. My age. Family members’ birthdays. Names and faces of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Decorum. How to work devices and appliances I use regularly.
But in the grand scheme of things, considering what could have happened and how severe my limitations should be, I’m humbled and grateful for where I am today.
What I have chosen to do, since a mini stroke and seizures altered my life in major ways, is intentionally focus on what I can now do well that I wasn’t able to do a few years back. Like carry on a conversation. Recall Bible stories and Scripture references. Walk into a store without sweating and trembling in fear. Write a devotion. Listen to someone speak for an extended period without being totally lost.
One of the most exciting developments is being able to say words that were difficult – if not impossible – to pronounce when I was first released from the hospital in 2019. Recently, you may recall that I testified about how God spontaneously loosed my tongue and restored some of the words I’d lost. That marvelous day, I wasn’t even thinking about a Holy Ghost visitation in my bedroom, let alone a miracle!
Truthfully, I had been stuck in a certain stage for so long, it appeared I’d be that way forever. But God already knew that He wasn’t done, and my faith told me the same thing, though doctors believed too much time had passed for there to be any positive changes or progress in that department.
But God has the final say!
Listen friend, sometimes God does things all at once; at other times, He does things in stages like Jesus did with the blind man in Mark 8:22-26.
During stage one, the Savior laid hands on the man’s eyes and asked, “Can you see anything now?” The man could see but not very clearly; he told Jesus that people appeared to be trees walking around (v. 24).
During stage two, Jesus laid His hands on the man’s eyes again, and Scripture says, “His sight was completely restored” (25).
Have you ever gotten weary and discouraged in stage one of the process? Honestly, I think we all have, especially when discouragement piles on and tells us, it’s never going to get any better than this.
“Doubt says ‘You will be stuck here forever.’ But God says, ‘I’m not done! I’m about to bring you out with a mighty and outstretched hand.’ Dismiss doubt and trust God.”
I am thankful – even though it’s hard – that God is using my life as an example for you. Just as you have seen me rejoice over spontaneous victories, you have seen me praise God over the gradual triumphs, too.
Isn’t it funny how we don’t think of the bad, hard, inconvenient stuff of life when we say, “Use me for Your glory, God”? I can certainly speak for myself when I say, this is not what I had in mind as a teenager when I cried out to be used as a vessel. But there are seasons when God decides to use your struggles to get a point across just as He is doing with me and just like He did in the case of this blind man in our featured Bible story.
Because think about it. There’s no way that Jesus, who was God wrapped in flesh, could not heal that blind man with just one touch. I mean, come on. We’ve seen examples in Scripture of Jesus healing folks with just a word and no physical touch at all. Remember the Centurion servant anyone (Matthew 8)?
God is so strategic, He left examples in His word to encourage our faith to trust God through every stage. So, when He does it immediately, be thankful. When it happens gradually, be thankful. When the wait is longer than you anticipated, still, be grateful, because God’s word never changes or expires. The Lord, unlike me, is not forgetful.
There’s a Bible verse I love so much in Isaiah 49:15 ESV, which says, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”
Powerful, right? God never forgets; neither does He fail to perform His word.
The greatest miracle known to mankind – redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ – happened in three stages: death, burial, and resurrection. On that third day, Jesus got up with all power, and that power is still working.
Working in your body. Working in your finances. Working in your family. Working in your mind. Working on your job. Working in your ministry. Working in your business. Working in your most troubling circumstances.
God sent me to tell you, don’t be discouraged. Where you are now is just a stop along your journey.
He says to you this day, “I will complete the work.”
To confirm this word from the Lord through Scripture, I’m stirring a portion of a very familiar passage into your cup of inspiration – Philippians 1:6, which says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory.
As Galatians 6:9 admonishes, don’t be weary in well-doing, because in due season, my friend, you’ll reap if you don’t give up.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that I won’t be stuck at this stage forever and that You are not through blessing me. As I walk out my journey of faith, please help me remember that You are faithful to perform Your word – whether You do it all at once or in stages. Either way, give me grace to trust You more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!