One of Those Frustrating Days
In this raw and honest devotional, Dianna Hobbs shares a powerful truth: God works most visibly through our weaknesses. If you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck, this message is for you.
Marked for Divine Favor
Don’t you know that God sees you and has already marked you for divine favor? It’s true! He will bless you as a reward for your faithfulness to Him.
God Is Stepping Into Your Space
Through this message, God is confirming His visitation to your house, His infiltration of your storm, and His transformation of your circumstances. He’s further assuring you that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and divine blessings beyond measure await you!
God just wants to show off!
Your problem is God’s platform to get the glory. So, don’t worry about how it looks, how you feel, or how long you’ve been going through this. Don’t let the devil convince you that your weakness sets you back, when truly, your weakness sets you up for God to demonstrate His power!
God is in your hard place
Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard place in your life and didn’t know what to do? In these moments, Christ the Rock of our salvation is there in the midst of it all. If you are going through personal challenges, through this message, the Lord is confirming His presence and promises.
God sees you
In stormy seasons, when you are hurting with no relief in sight, feeling forsaken, stagnant, and lost, it seems that you are invisible to God. But the Lord is assuring you that He sees you, He is visiting your wilderness, and speaking a word over you. You are significant. He will make you fruitful!
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
Is the enemy wearing you out?
Have you been going through it lately? Weary from warfare? God won’t let the enemy wear you out forever! It’s just temporary! Today, the Lord is confirming for you that you’re coming out of your wilderness season. He is preparing to flip things in your favor.
Discouraged? God’s not done
Things may not look the best today. Prayer requests may still be unanswered. But God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory!
Don't be afraid of the dark
God sent me to tell you today, no matter how dark it gets, don’t be afraid of the dark. The light of His love, His favor, His wisdom, and His power will keep on shining. He is causing His face to shine upon you and showing you grace. His blessing is upon you, friend, according to Numbers 6:24-26.
Be willing to embrace the new
When one season ends, a new season begins. It’s not over. But, in order to move forward into your promise, you must be willing to release the old, and embrace the new. Don’t convince yourself that your best years are behind you, when your best days are actually ahead of you. God wants to do more!
The storm can't stop your favor!
Your foundation is built upon Christ, and you are rooted and grounded in Him. Therefore, you don’t have to worry when the storm rages and the wind beats against your house. When your confidence is in God, your faith will remain intact, and the storm can’t stop your favor!
God will do the good things He promised
Prepare for a season change, a shift to peace, prosperity and breakthrough. You will see God’s deliverance unfold and witness the manifestation of His purpose and promises. There’s so much the Lord is going to do for you. Your future is bright. Don’t become discouraged by what you see!
Because of His special favor
In spite of your shortcomings. In spite of your weaknesses. In spite of your insecurities. In spite of your setbacks. In spite of your obstacles. In spite of your past. In spite of negative experiences. In spite of it all, God’s special favor is upon your life. He has chosen and equipped you.
Nope. It doesn't belong.
When Satan lies and tells you that you are defeated, you are not blessed, you are not favored, you will always go lacking and never get a breakthrough, call him out on his lies. Shout out and point out the fact that what the devil said is not like what God said. Therefore, it doesn’t belong in your mind or heart!
This attack is producing a blessing
Despite the attacks, challenges and hardship, keep smiling. Keep dancing. Keep praising. Keep rejoicing. Keep knowing beyond any doubt that this attack is producing a blessing. That’s the word God has for you today. If you can keep trusting Him through it, He’ll keep blessing you and causing you to rise above the adversity and emerge from the fiery furnace of affliction as pure gold!
Perspective Matters
Do you ever find yourself mentally overblowing your issues and allowing yourself to be intimidated, battered by doubt, assaulted by worry, and attacked by fear? We all have at some point. But if you put your issues in proper perspective, you would see that they are in NO WAY more powerful than God!
You can't see it, but God is working!
You may not see God working, and you might not feel Him working, but He is. So don’t panic when you see trouble all around you. Don’t fret when things look bad. The invisible hand of God is outstretched, and He’s commanding blessings, releasing miracles, sending favor, and turning things around!
God promises to bless you
God promises to bless you, and He will do it. You might not see much happening yet, and you’re still waiting for breakthrough, restoration, and increase. As you wait, cling to the word of the Lord. Hold fast to His promises. He cannot lie. Things might be slow going, but what He said will come to pass!
Let God open your mind
Do you ever feel like your life is supposed to be going a certain way? Do you struggle with feelings of disappointment when your expectations are not met? Well, God wants your mind to be opened. See things His way. Surrender your way, and say yes to His. His way is better anyhow!