God Is Stepping Into Your Space
My friend, I have something to share with you that has been heavy on my heart. A few days ago, I came across a post online that stopped me in my digital tracks. A proud dad shared a photo of his son, all smiles inside a shiny new sports car—a gift for his 18th birthday. But it wasn't the make of the car that caught my eye; it was the story behind it.
You see, this father had a heartbreaking reason for his generous gift. His son, he revealed, was diagnosed with cancer and given only months to live. This car, which many might view as too extravagant for a teenager, was a gesture of love from a dad who knew his son wouldn't have the chance to build a future, to achieve the dreams that might have allowed him to afford such a luxury himself.
As I read on, tears blurred my vision when the dad shared this: the son told him he'd fight to live just a bit longer to enjoy his new ride. This beautiful car represented the last birthday gift this father would ever give to his son—a poignant reminder that we often don't know the battles others are facing just by looking at them.
The comments under the post were filled with love and empathy, a testament to the beauty of human kindness. It's in these tough moments that love and compassion become our life rafts, isn't it? Just as God tenderly cradles us through life's fiercest storms, we ought to embrace one another with that same tenderness.
Jesus Always Extends Kindness
Jesus, throughout Scripture, showed us exactly how to do this. He extended kindness to strangers, the sick, the social outcasts, and those scorned by society—like the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:5-30), the leprous man shunned by all (Matthew 8:1-4), and the people others had given up on.
In Luke 19:1-9, Jesus encountered Zacchaeus, the wealthy tax collector of Jericho. Despite his name meaning 'pure' or 'innocent,' Zacchaeus was anything but in the eyes of his peers. He had grown rich through shady dealings, overtaxing the poor—and tax collectors were not looked upon kindly in those days. Yet, this short man's desperation to see Jesus led him to climb a sycamore-fig tree for a glimpse of the Savior.
Jesus, noticing Zacchaeus, invited Himself over, saying, "I must stay at your house today." This invitation, which Zacchaeus joyfully accepted, scandalized onlookers. They whispered, "He has gone to be the guest of a sinner." But in Jesus' presence, Zacchaeus transformed, pledging to give half his wealth to the poor and repay those he cheated fourfold.
Jesus' response was grace personified: "Today salvation has come to this house." When Jesus stepped into Zacchaeus’s space, He brought something with Him that man couldn’t give—salvation. And friend, God is stepping into your space bearing supernatural gifts, blessings, and favor that man cannot give.
“I prophesy that God is infiltrating your space right now, shifting the atmosphere, changing the outcome, and doing what no other power can do! ”
In this powerful biblical interaction, Jesus declared Zacchaeus a son of Abraham, a title reserved for the devout, shocking the self-righteous who believed such an honor was earned, not given. But Jesus came to seek and save the lost, to look at the heart, not the outward appearance—to love, accept, and declare us righteous, making us children of God.
Isn't it incredible? Others may judge, disapprove, or look down on you, but God calls you His child. You are the righteousness of God, a seed of Abraham, with an inheritance received by faith in Christ. This, my friend, is the best news.
Abba, Father Loves You
Romans 8:15 tells us we've been adopted into God's royal family, where we can call Him 'Abba, Father.' This Aramaic word 'Abba' speaks of the intimate relationship between a father and his child, a relationship of trust and love.
Abba, Father—our Daddy God—cherishes you. You are the apple of His eye. He's stepping into your house, your space, your predicament, your struggle, your valley, and preparing to bless you. He’s going to lavish His goodness upon you and give you the best of the best because you are His beloved child.
Don't ever let anyone's opinion make you forget who you are in God. Abba sees you. He cares for you. He holds you. Abba is actively seeking ways to bless you. Abba is your defender, your protector, shielding you from harm. Abba is your provider, your sustainer, meeting your every need.
Abba is your guide, your navigator, directing your every step. Abba is your comforter, your peace-giver, calming your every storm. Abba is your healer, your restorer, mending your every brokenness. Abba is your advocate, your intercessor, speaking on your behalf. Abba is your source of strength, your fortifier empowering you for every challenge.
Abba is your wisdom, your counselor, illuminating your every decision. Abba is your joy, your delight, filling your heart with gladness. Abba is your promise-keeper, your covenant God, fulfilling His every word to you.
You Are Cherished
Remember, in the Kingdom of God, you are never overlooked, never forgotten. Abba is lavishing His love upon you. He's showering you with grace. He's painting your life with the colors of His faithfulness. Stand firm in your divine identity, for you are cherished, valued, and infinitely loved by the One who created the universe.
Let the rhythm of His love for you be the beat that moves your life, the melody that sings over your weary soul. Keep holding on to His unchanging hand, and let the cadence of His promises march you triumphantly into your destiny.
Through this message, He’s confirming His visitation to your house, His infiltration of your storm, and His transformation of your circumstances. He’s further assuring you that no matter what it looks like, feels like, or what others have said, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and divine blessings beyond measure await you.
To reinforce this truth, I'm infusing your cup of inspiration with the words of Psalm 17:8-9—let them sweeten your spirit today. I declare that God will keep you as the apple of His eye, shield you beneath His wings, and protect you from the enemy's snares.
As you absorb this message, be uplifted and assured of God's profound love for you. He's stepping into your space, friend, bestowing blessings that only a loving Father reserves for His children.
Now, let us pray.
God, thank You for Your unwavering love, for choosing me, and for affirming that I am Yours. As You visit my house today and step into my space, I feel Your divine presence enveloping me, reinforcing that I am never alone. In moments of discouragement, when I feel sad or even invisible, thank You for reminding me of my cherished place in Your eyes, and that You have wonderful plans for me. May I always recognize Your footsteps as You walk through the rooms of my heart and life. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!