Expect Supernatural Provision In Unexpected Places
Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a spiritual drought, standing at the edge of need, gazing into the vast expanse of uncertainty, wondering where your next blessing, your next answer, your next deliverance will come from?
In these moments, when the path ahead is as parched and barren as a desert, our God—the Commander of the universe—steps in to reveal His glory and provision in ways that defy human understanding and natural laws.
And that’s what He’s about to do for you!
Last fall, in October, as the world around me seemed to wither in the stillness of my bedroom amidst the quiet stirrings of dawn, my soul found release in a torrent of tears. This emotional outpouring was not just a sudden deluge; it was a much-needed rain, quenching the dry ground of my heart, marking the end of a harrowing ordeal and the beginning of a renewed calling.
The first time in years
For those who have journeyed with me, you may recall me mentioning that special day last year, 2023, when, for the first time in years, I stood before an audience, in person, sharing my story—not merely with words but with a heart resurgent and a spirit emboldened by the faithfulness of God.
I had not ministered in person since 2019, and many times, Satan had whispered, "Your ministry is over. You will never get another opportunity to minister before an audience."
For a season, that deceptive lie seemed all too true.
But, by the grace of God, in that sacred space of divine opportunity back in October, surrounded by the warmth and grace of kindred spirits, I felt the breath of life reawaken my purpose. After enduring the desolation of a traumatic brain injury—a wilderness that threatened to silence my voice and steal my destiny—I experienced a divine downpour of restoration.
It was confirmation that the worst of my storm was over. And though there was progress yet to be made and milestones yet to be reached, I knew God had nurtured me back to wholeness through seeking His face and His Word.
He will provide and restore
Before deliverance manifested, in the depths of my despair, when the "Why me, Lord?" echoed in my mind and I grappled with a condition that ravaged the very faculties I needed for ministry, God orchestrated a constellation of care around me. Even when the soil of my situation seemed infertile and arid, He was weaving a narrative of triumph.
Oh, thank You, Jesus!
My struggle with Global Aphasia—an affliction that disrupted my ability to communicate—became a canvas for God's grace. Where my capabilities ended, His supernatural provision began, like a stream in the desert, unexpected and life-giving.
Every time I share my story, I do so as a testament to a God who fills our emptiness, who turns our mourning into dancing, and who brings forth water in our deserts. Just as He restored my voice and renewed my calling in a room filled with His precious and receptive children last October, He sent me to tell you, He will restore, renew, and replenish you in your dry places as well.
Our God is unchanging in His character, unwavering in His care, and unmatched in His ability to provide for our needs. He is the God who meets us in our brokenness, who transforms our trials into testimonies, and who ensures that our journey through the wilderness leads us to a place of abundance and purpose.
No matter what you're facing, friend, you can trust that God will provide in ways as unexpected as they are miraculous.
“God told me to tell you that He is about to do something so unexpected for you that will blow you away. Just remember to give Him the glory!”
A holy contradiction
For a moment, if you will, consider the prophet Elijah, a bold voice of truth in a time of idolatry, called to deliver a message that would bring the nation of Israel to its knees. In 1 Kings 17, we find Elijah standing before the throne of wicked King Ahab, declaring a drought upon the land—a divine consequence for the king's sin of idol worship.
But God, who is rich in mercy and abounding in provision, made a way for His servant, the prophet. He directed Elijah to the Kerith Ravine, where He summoned the birds to become the prophet's butlers. "I have commanded the ravens to feed you there," said the Lord (v. 4).
Now, let's pause and ponder the marvel of this divine directive. Ravens, the ebony heralds of creation, are known for their keen intelligence and are often seen as scavengers. These birds, crafted by the Master's hand, are typically observed in their quest to find sustenance, not to provide it.
In fact, their reputation for thievery is so well recognized that in a report as recent as 2021 by the Associated Press, shoppers at an Alaska Costco witnessed these crafty creatures pilfering food right from their carts.
One man recounted how he was accosted by these raven thieves, who boldly claimed a short rib from his grocery haul in the Costco parking lot. Imagine, these same birds, known to steal a meal, were now appointed by God to deliver one to His chosen prophet.
Oh, what a divine reversal. What a holy contradiction!
Herein lies the essence of the miraculous: that the same God who quiets the raging seas, who parts the impenetrable waters, and who brings sight to the blind eyes, chose to display His sovereignty by commanding these unlikely messengers to serve Elijah.
Before there was ever “Meals on Wheels,” there was “Meals on Wings.”
Not bound by natural order
This is a bold display of God’s unsearchable greatness, that He can bend the will of nature, redirect the instincts of His creatures, and overturn the order of the cosmos to meet the needs of His children. The ravens, acting under the divine command, became purveyors of provision, bringing bread and meat to Elijah, morning and evening.
This is our God, flexing both His goodness and God-ness, demonstrating that He is not bound by the natural order or the expectations of man. He is the God who commands favor and blessings to chase you down, to overtake you, and to manifest even through the hands—or beaks—of those you would least expect.
Oh, but that’s not all. Just when Elijah might have grown accustomed to the ravens' delivery, in this same 17th chapter of 1 Kings, God stirred the waters of provision once again. He commanded a widow—a woman marked by poverty and preparing for her last meal—to sustain the prophet (vv. 7-16).
From the depths of her lack, God brought forth abundance, proving that He is the Source and the Resource, the Provision and the Provider, the Sustenance and the Strength, the Promise and the Fulfillment.
Friend, are you not in awe of God?
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light—the very essence of all that we need and more. He is the One who commands the universe to realign for the sake of His beloved. He is the One who can take the birds known to steal and transform them into carriers of generosity. He is the One who whispers life into dry bones in the valley, transforming a graveyard into an army, ready to march at His command (Ezekiel 37:1-10).
He is the One who turns water into wine, revealing the abundance of His provision (John 2:1-11). He is the One who makes the sun stand still for Joshua, who commands the very heavens to pause, granting victory to His faithful (Joshua 10).
He is the One who brings forth bread from heaven to feed the hungry masses, who rains down Manna as a testament to His daily, unfailing care (Exodus 16). And He is the One who yet stands ready, willing, and able to provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
So let us hold fast to the promise that our God is commanding His blessings upon us, even now. God is flinging wide the windows of Heaven and showering us with abundance, even now. God is redeeming the time, restoring what we lost, and bestowing a double portion, even now.
God is aligning the perfect circumstances to unfold His divine plan in your life, even now. God is knitting together a testimony from fragments of our ruins, crafting beauty from ashes, even now.
Slip up that hand and say, “Even now, He’s doing it for me!”
In the tapestry of the divine, our Lord emerges not only as the Commander of the cosmos but also as the ultimate Promise-Keeper. When He speaks, His words are not idle; they are seeds of certainty planted in the fertile ground of His faithfulness. So, expect provision, for God has declared it so. And if the Lord said it, you can rely on it. He will do just what He said.
An Everlasting Covenant
So friend, God’s message to us today is that we are in covenant with Him, our Supreme Provider, who promises to take care of us always. He wants us to expect blessings in unexpected places.
Throughout the Scriptures, we encounter a series of divine covenants—solemn agreements that God has made with His people. These covenants range from His promise to Noah to never again flood the earth, to His covenant with Abraham to make him the father of many nations. God's covenants extend through the giving of the law to the children of Israel, to His eternal priesthood covenant with Aaron and his descendants, and to the promise of an everlasting kingdom through David's lineage.
One of the lesser-known yet profoundly significant of these is the “covenant of salt.”
For example, when God established kingship over Israel with David, He did so with a covenant of salt, according to 2 Chronicles 13:5. This type of covenant symbolized an unbreakable bond, one that, like salt's preserving properties, would endure through time and remain incorruptible. This enduring promise found its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Son of David, who reigns as the eternal King of all kings.
Your Heavenly Father has made an assurance that is etched in the annals of biblical history, a testament to His steadfast faithfulness to those who are devoted to Him.
Should you find yourself in need—whatever that need may be—take heart, for you belong to God, the covenant-keeper. He is the mender of brokenness, the replenisher of what is lacking, the designer of unique solutions. As a citizen of the Kingdom and a member of His divine family, you are part of a covenant with the Father, and He is faithful to honor it.
God keeps every promise. If He has spoken it, it will surely come to pass. Trust in Him. Set aside the burdens of your circumstances, for you serve the ultimate provider, the maker of ways, the opener of doors, the healer of bodies, the one true Savior. Your life, even when it seems disarrayed—I can tell you from experience—it is held securely in the hands of God, the keeper of the covenant, who has you covered.
And never forget that the covenant we hold dear today is not founded on salt but on something far greater—the blood of Jesus Christ. His supreme sacrifice grants us access to an inheritance that cannot spoil or fade, to provision that is everlasting, and to promises that are unshakeable.
He who commands the ravens
Let us stand firm in faith, knowing that He who commands the ravens also commands the winds of favor to blow upon our lives. Let us rejoice in the assurance that He is actively working on our behalf, orchestrating miracles from the most unexpected places.
Friend, in the economy of heaven, for those who walk uprightly, there is no shortage, no lack—for God’s Word says, “no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). That Scripture is the sweetener I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration.
As you savor this anointed cup, full of the prophetic promises of God, be assured that the Lord will command His blessings to fall like rain, to spring forth like rivers in the desert, to emerge like Manna from Heaven.
Rejoice in knowing that the same God who fed Elijah by the brook is the same God watching over you. May you rest in His sovereignty, as you await the supernatural provision He has ordained for your life.
Now, let’s pray.
Heavenly Father, we stand in gratitude for Your boundless provision and Your command over all creation. We thank You for the miraculous ways You meet our needs and shower us with favor. Help us to always remember that You are our source and sustainer, the giver of every good and perfect gift. May our hearts remain open to the unexpected ways You choose to provide, and may our lips be filled with praise for the wonders You perform. In the name of Jesus, the Bread of Life and our ultimate provision, we pray, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!