Embracing Inconvenient Faith

Credit: Getty/Klaus Vedfelt

I've got a story for you today, echoing right from the hallways of my high school days. Those halls were always alive with laughter and endless chatter, but for me, there was a different kind of noise bouncing around inside. It was like a ghostly chorus of the taunts that used to follow me around in my younger years.

Back in middle school, I walked through a sort of emotional obstacle course, you know? Those jabs about my second-hand clothes and no-brand shoes—they cut pretty deep. I tried to disappear into the background, hoping my shyness would make me invisible to any more teasing.

I think we've all felt that sting of ridicule in some form, haven't we? It's not the kind of thing that'll take you down necessarily, but it sure does leave its mark, long after the laughter fades.

But here's the twist—those very same things that I thought were chipping away at my confidence were secretly carving out a stronger me. Kind of hard to see it at the time, though.

Now, chorus class—that was my haven. Being a preacher's kid meant gospel music was pretty much in my blood, and Vickie Winans' songs? They were like my heartbeat. I remember when one of my regular old school days turned into something else entirely when Ms. Klein, our piano-playing chorus teacher, saw something in me. In that sea of voices, she heard mine, and just like that, I went from being a face in the crowd to standing in the solo spotlight.

Ms. Klein believed in me so much that she nudged me right onto the stage for the high school talent show. Picture me there, heart pounding, singing Vickie Winans' "Can I Build (My Home In You)" without any music behind me—just my voice, out there and vulnerable.

That moment that ended in a standing ovation from the crowd left an indelible mark. And years down the line, I got to meet Vickie Winans herself, tell her how her songs had lifted me up, and find out she was even more incredible in person than I'd ever imagined.

If I hadn't stepped out from the comfy shadows and into the light where God was calling me back in high school, I would've missed out on so much I’ve experienced, tied to my purpose, throughout my life.

It’s exactly these kinds of seemingly ordinary moments that remind us all: God's got this incredible knack for turning our little detours and hiccups into the most amazing opportunities, ones that fit right into His grand design.

Thrust into the Unknown

Have you ever found yourself suddenly in the thick of the unknown? It happens to all of us, doesn't it? We face those moments where everything familiar is turned on its head, and we're in uncharted territory. It's here, in these unexpected turns, that we can feel God's presence most powerfully, nudging us toward a broader horizon, a higher calling.

In these unlikely encounters with discomfort, we stumble upon our hidden strengths, the destiny that awaits us, and those incredible, full-circle moments that only God can orchestrate.

To truly become who we're meant to be, we often have to leave the safety of the known behind. It's about facing our fears head-on, those Goliath-sized challenges, and diving into the deep end of life's trials. When we embrace what's uncomfortable, putting our faith in God even with trembling steps, we find ourselves at the edge of something miraculous. In God's realm, our destiny is deeply woven with a faith that's brave enough to walk into those inconvenient places.

Discomfort and purpose often collide. Therefore, in moments of inconvenience, trust that God is behind the scenes working in your favor.
— Dianna Hobbs

Our modern age, however, sings a lullaby of ease, promising that every desire can be fulfilled with the touch of a button, coaxing us away from the rough-hewn path of struggle. Yet, the divine inheritance laid out for you requires a reconditioning, a transformation of perspective. For only in the forge of faith-fueled discomfort are legacies shaped and destinies seized. We must never allow shackles of comfort to bind our feet and prevent us from walking in the footsteps of Christ.

As you ponder the account captured in Joshua 3, envision the children of Israel, perched on the precipice of their promise, thrust into the unknown. Picture them, right there at the edge of their long-awaited promise, about to step into a completely new chapter.

"You have never been this way before," Joshua told them. It's a powerful reminder, isn't it?

The Jordan River, swollen to its limits and seemingly impassable, wasn't just a physical obstacle. It was a test of their faith (vv. 15-17). Before the walls of Jericho could ever surrender to the sound of trumpets a little further down the line in Joshua 6, the nation had to first overcome the internal barriers of doubt and fear while standing on the banks of the Jordan River. This required a spiritual transformation—a consecration—preparing them for the wonders God was set to perform (Joshua 3:5).

In that place of transition, without Moses, their steadfast guide, who had already passed on, Israel faced the Jordan River at its most formidable under new leadership. It was a scary place to be. The promise on the other side seemed worlds away, accessible only by divine intervention.

And then, Joshua relayed God's command, with the same authority that Moses once had, directing the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant into those turbulent waters (Joshua 3:13). Their leap of faith, their obedience, it sparked a divine reaction: the waters pulled back, and the path to their destiny lay bare, a testament to the might of God.


Jehovah is Salvation

The courageous steps taken by Joshua and the Israelites didn't just show us God's might in their here and now; they also hinted at the coming of the Messiah. You see, Joshua's name in Hebrew—Yehoshua—shares its roots with the name Jesus, Yeshua, both carrying the beautiful meaning "Jehovah is salvation."

Reflect for a moment on the banks of the Jordan River, where God made a promise to lift Joshua up in the eyes of all Israel, confirming his role as a leader just as He had done for Moses (Joshua 3:7). Fast forward to the New Testament, and we find Jesus at that very river, being baptized by John the Baptist. This moment marked the beginning of His earthly ministry, a moment of divine affirmation as God's voice broke through the heavens to call Jesus His beloved Son (Matthew 3:17).

John's role in baptizing Jesus was an act of faith that didn't come easy. He felt unworthy to baptize someone so great, so much greater than himself (v. 14). But this was the path God had chosen, an essential chapter in the grand narrative of salvation.

My dear friend, it's often when God's plans seem least aligned with our own logic that His sovereignty truly shines. When we're called to move forward in ways that don't make sense to us, that's when we're right on the cusp of transformative moments and the fulfillment of God's promises. If Joshua had never stepped into the Jordan, if Jesus had never embraced His baptism, the story of redemption and hope would have been left waiting, unfinished.


Let Faith Lead

When the ways of God seem illogical, that's when faith must take the lead. For His ways are higher, His plans are greater.

When logic cautions you to stay put, faith urges you to move. When logic whispers fears about your circumstances, faith calls you to worship. When logic declares the end, faith announces a new beginning. When logic tells you to brace for the worst, faith nudges you to hope for the best.

When logic cautions against the impossible, faith dares you to believe in miracles. When logic advises you to doubt what's unseen, faith empowers you to trust in what’s promised. When logic holds out for proof, faith perceives the invisible. When logic suggests retreat in the face of adversity, faith commands, “Advance towards victory!”

Faith is the master key that unlocks healing, freedom, and divine favor. It may be uncomfortable, it may be inconvenient, but it is unfailingly transformative.

At the Edge

God has sent me to remind you to let faith lead, let your faith be your guide, for you're right on the edge of something amazing—your breakthrough. Don't hold back from stepping into the river of faith before you. Think back to how the priests' readiness to step into the Jordan opened a path for a whole nation to follow. And remember, when the Israelites finally stood before Jericho, it wasn't physical force that made the walls fall—it was their faith that activated the power of God. Faith is the force that knocks downs walls.

My dear friend, the Lord is ready to topple walls for you. God is about to dismantle barriers, unlock doors, and grant you access to realms previously beyond reach. Your steadfastness in the face of inconvenience will open the door to a breakthrough that is waiting for you.

So, stand resolute against the currents that aim to push you back, secure in the knowledge that with God as your ally, no force can withstand you. You will cross over. You will claim the promise. You will see His Word come to life.

Even if you've walked through valleys of loss and trekked across unfamiliar ground, hold onto this unshakeable truth: God is by your side. Whether you're navigating deep waters, walking through flames, standing in the midst of conflict, or crossing into hostile lands, you will emerge untouched. The Lord is continuously bestowing His favor upon you, fighting on your behalf, and lighting the path ahead. Rest in the assurance that no obstacle can ever overturn the promises of God. What He has declared, He will surely bring to pass. No inconvenience can nullify the promises of God. He will accomplish what He has spoken.

To fortify you as you step into the waters of faith, I’m sweetening your cup of inspiration with Psalm 37:5 NET: “Commit your future to the LORD! Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.”

As you drink deeply from this wellspring of promise, let it refresh your soul with the knowledge that the Savior who calms the tempest calls you to a faith that transcends the ordinary. Trust in Him, and watch in awe as He works wonders in your life, blessing you abundantly and crafting miracles that only His hands can shape.

Now, let us pray.

Lord, help us to embrace the journey You have mapped out for us—a path that often winds through the valleys of discomfort. Grant us the bravery to march forth in faith, trusting that You are forging a trail for us. As we follow in the footsteps of Joshua and Jesus, may we hold fast to the assurance that You are ever-present, guiding us toward a deeper faith and the pinnacle of our calling. We're thankful for the promises that stretch out before us and for the breakthroughs that will come as we take a leap of faith. In the mighty name of Jesus—the One who guides us through every challenge—we pray, Amen.

If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!


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