Expect Supernatural Provision In Unexpected Places
Supernatural provision is coming in places you least expect. God wants you to anticipate His goodness, favor, and blessings through unconventional, unmistakably divine, strategies Something good is on the way!
God is giving you uncommon favor!
In this season, God is making you a prime example of uncommon favor, rare blessings, extraordinary breakthroughs, and awe-inspiring miracles. He’s going to prove in your life that He specializes in turning seemingly unfair disadvantages into unfair advantages!
A big reward is coming!
In life, there will be things you feel called by God to do and you will obediently do them. Yet, there will be seasons when you see no tangible results. It will feel like your labor is in vain. But that’s a lie. God will reward your obedience and faithfulness in ways you can’t imagine.
God is about to switch it up
God is switching some things up on your behalf. That’s what I believe God sent me to tell you. He’s forcing a favorable turnaround. Though the situation may look bad now, and you may see no redeeming qualities, Christ, our Redeemer, specializes in redemption stories!
Boatloads of blessings
Perhaps you have been going through a stagnant season but have refused to give up on your faith. If that’s you, anticipate boatloads of blessings and favor. Believe that God is going to overwhelm you with goodness, wisdom, resources, opportunities and all you need to carry out His will.
The Lord will open up the way
God will cause the obstacle to move. He will command the roadblock to get out of the way and clear a path to your breakthrough. Every obstruction, hurdle and oppositional force that is standing in your way will get out of the way. Just keep walking by faith, and expect God to give you favor.
Confidently anticipate blessings!
You have been faithful to God. So prepare yourself to receive manifold, blessings and abundant favor. God has seen your sacrifices and will reward you. And you can be sure that Kingdom rewards are the best rewards, because they go far above and beyond what you could ever ask or think!
Your divine release is on the way
When your set time arrives, which will come, no one and nothing can stop the hand of God from moving on your behalf. Through this word, God is reminding you that your set time is on the way. He is going to release some things for you and break some things wide open in your favor! Prepare.
Blessings will spring forth
Are you in a place where you’re believing God to make a way, but you don’t know how He’ll do it? Do you feel a bit discouraged and distressed sometimes as you await manifestation? This word will assure you that God will not fail you. He will bless you—guaranteed!
God will bring you through this too
There are some things you’re believing God to do. As you wait for your answer, consider what He has already done and how He has proven Himself faithful up to this point. Rejoice over past breakthroughs as you trust Him to bring you through this. He will shower you with His goodness again!
That's not the whole story
Your current season may tell the story of struggle, lack, sickness, sorrow, loss and brokenness. But that’s not the whole story! God, who gives us insight into His word and assures us of His promises, assures you that your story will be one of victory, increase, healing, joy, restoration and wholeness!
Here's why God will bless you with more
Every believer goes through wilderness seasons and experiences times when they desire more from the Lord. Though it is important to be content in every season, God does promise to bless us abundantly. Though you don’t get to skip over unpleasant times, when you do this, you will receive more from the Lord.
Your due season is coming!
If you’re going through lots of changes, good or bad, you’re in transition. And while they may feel uncomfortable, the shift will benefit you in the end. This turn of events, though it might not seem like it at the moment, will produce great results and position you to receive all God has for you.
Expect God to show you favor
Expect God to show you favor. Expect Him to be gracious to you. Expect Him to loose every chain and break every stronghold. Expect Him to heal your body and turn your situation around. Be bold and confident as you approach His throne of grace. Tell Him what you need. He will answer you!
Your turn is coming soon
You will turn a corner. Things will get better. Some good things await you in 2020. The One who has secured abundant life for you will honor your faith and perseverance. He will reward your faithfulness. He will bless you because you didn’t give up hope in the day of adversity.
God is giving you supernatural strength
What are you going through? How do you need God to manifest Himself in your circumstances? He will do it. There is no problem too big. There is no mountain too high. There is no challenge too great. There is no obstacle too imposing. He’s supernaturally strengthening you now!
Ask for and expect overflow
God loves to bless you so you can bless others. In today’s encouragement, Dianna Hobbs says, start asking Him for overflow. Believe Him to open Heaven’s floodgates and give you the kind of blessing you won’t have room to receive. Trust Him to enlarge you and expand you!
God is moving you
God is moving you and ushering you into a new season, and He is replacing opposition with open doors. He’s causing you to be blessed where you were once attacked. He is making what used to be hard easy for you, and He’s swinging doors wide open in your favor!
Doesn't make sense? God is doing something good
If you will but submit to God’s process, and stop protesting simply because you don’t understand, in the end, you will see the heavens open up. God’s glory will be revealed in your life. He will do extraordinary things for you and reveal a side of Himself you have never seen.