God is about to switch it up
I had a meeting today. I don’t like meetings very much specifically because brain trauma makes me feel less confident and self-assured when I enter a room.
I wonder, will I know what to say? Will I understand what they’re trying to get across, or will the information go over my head? Will I be able to make the points in a way everyone understands? Will I do an okay job explaining my position and exerting my views?
It’s a lot that goes through my head.
So, before entering the meeting, I got with my intercessory partner and saturated the upcoming appointment in prayer. I confessed Luke 12:12 over myself which promises that the “Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”
Even though I was feeling nervous, in my spirit, I was trusting God to word my mouth, help the words come out right (because you know I struggle to say some words since brain trauma), and cause something good to happen.
Well, once everybody was in the room and it was my turn to talk, I felt tense at first. But then, God switched it up and gave me peace. The words flowed effortlessly.
Not only did the meeting go well, but everything I asked for—some of which was unorthodox and unprecedented—was well-received. I got yeses across the board and walked away from the meeting with the exact results I prayed and hoped for. Y’all, I knew that had to be nobody but God!
But friend, that breakthrough didn’t happen overnight. There had been plenty of unproductive meetings, frustrating conversations, starts and stops, and times during the process that I just wanted to give up. But I’m so glad I didn’t. Look at what God did.
Listen, some situations will look bad and hopeless at first, but God is able to switch things up at a moment’s notice.
“God said, what it looks like today is not what it’s going to be like for long. A change is coming, friend. And the change is mighty good!”
In Micah 1, the Prophet Micah had nothing good to say about what was about to happen in Israel because they were in a state of rebellion. They were destined to endure a brutal period of judgment and captivity at the hands of the Assyrians.
But that wasn’t the full story. As you read on, God switched it up in Micah 5, where the prophet foretold of the coming Messiah who would bring hope, peace, and deliverance to Israel. God was switching their situation from a state of hopelessness to hopefulness, from chaos to peace, from captivity to victory, from bondage to deliverance, from judgment to redemption.
Similarly, He’s switching some things up on your behalf. That’s what I believe God sent me to tell you. He’s forcing a favorable turnaround. Though the situation may look bad now, and you may see no redeeming qualities, Christ, our Redeemer, specializes in redemption stories.
Just as He redeemed us from sin, He continuously redeems our lives from destruction, crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, and satisfies our mouths with good things, according to Psalm 103:4-5.
God is saying today, “Get ready for the switch.” Your life is changing for the better. Oh, yes, it is. Believe it today.
You may be down in the dumps now, but all that’s changing. The first portion of 1 Samuel 2:8 NLT, which I’m stirring into our cup of inspiration, says, “He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, God is saying, you’re about to switch positions. He is lifting you out of the valley and elevating you to a higher level for His glory. Receive it and prepare to go up!
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for this message of hope and for assuring me that You are lifting me up. By faith, I declare that You are changing my story from one of tragedy to triumph, from lack to abundance, and from victimhood to victory through Christ. By faith, I decree that the switch is happening for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!