Doesn't make sense? God is doing something good
I was surprised to sense the Holy Spirit nudging me to write today. I have been in my silent phase of replenishing. Not one to argue with God or question His ways, I immediately obeyed Him and opened my ears to listen to what He had to say. What you are reading is what He has given me to share today.
First, let me say, I have been relaxing and taking it easy before resuming my full ministerial duties. The much-needed space and quiet time has been a blessing physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Unplugging from the world has allowed me to rest. I praise God for that.
My amazing husband Kenya and our awesome four children have pampered me and loved on me. They are sensitive to my needs and have left me awed by God’s expression of love to me through them.
One of the things I have particularly enjoyed is my teenage daughter Kaiah’s homemade pancakes. It’s the simple things, right? Those pancakes are so delicious, I could eat them every single day.
When I first came home from the hospital in August, my appetite was very poor, and there wasn’t much that could tempt my taste buds. But when all else failed, Kaiah’s pancakes turned out to be just the tantalizing treat I needed. Even better, she always served them with a big old smile and put some much-needed sunshine in my day.
While I would not willingly choose to go through the challenging health crisis I dealt with recently, I have seen the beauty of my family’s love as well as your support, and of course, God’s faithfulness through it all. The warmest gestures of kindness, sweetest moments, wonderful memories, and the greatest gifts have come to me over the past few months.
My extraordinary ministry team has stepped up in huge ways, and they are helping manage everything as I ease my way back into life. I have learned even more how to give up control and trust the One who is in control of all things. He has been so good to me, and I sense His favor all around me. Some of the most unpleasant things open the door to reveal the best things, don’t they? Granted, we don’t ask for trouble and hardship. Yet, God still allows it, and He somehow flips the worst odds in our favor and achieves His purposes through them. Life doesn’t always makes sense, but God knows what He’s doing.
Earlier today, I was reading Matthew 3:13-17 that covers the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. In these verses I mentioned, Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized by him, but John was hesitant. He felt like what Jesus was asking him to do was inappropriate.
Verse 14 says, “But John tried to talk him out of it. ‘I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,’ he said, ‘so why are you coming to me?’”
It’s funny to me to read about John trying to talk Jesus—who was God wrapped up in an earth suit—out of doing something that was already a part of His plan.
Ha! We see how that worked out for John.
Sure, I understand why John protested. Why would a sinless, righteous Savior want to be baptized by a sinful man? To the natural mind, that doesn’t make any sense, but it was a part of God’s plan. A sinless Jesus submitted to a baptism reserved for sinners. Likewise, though He committed no crime, He was hung on Calvary’s cross and died a criminal’s death.
Again, it was just a part of God’s brilliant plan of redemption.
“Wisdom sometimes looks like foolishness. Blessings sometimes appear to be curses. God’s ways often defy our own, but His ways are always right and lead to something good.”
Here’s the point: God will sometimes require things of you that won’t make sense. Your limited understanding will prevent you from grasping the full scope and nature of His plan. Howbeit, if you obey Him, and walk in accordance with His will, you will see the heavens open, and the glory of God will be revealed.
That is precisely what happened in this Bible story. Verses 16-17 tell us, as soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit took on the form of a dove and alighted upon Him. While the spirit of God rested upon Jesus, the Father then spoke from Heaven and declared that Jesus was His Son in whom He was well pleased. It was a public coronation.
As you can see, John’s obedience and submission to the will of the Father paved a pathway to the cross of Calvary for the redemption of all mankind. How about that? Isn’t it fascinating to see the sovereignty of God and how the revelation of His wisdom puts into context everything that seemingly made no sense? Wisdom sometimes looks like foolishness. Blessings sometimes appear to be curses. God’s ways often defy our own, but His ways are always right and lead to something good.
This, my friend—what you’re going through right now— is leading to something good. If you will but submit to God’s process, and stop protesting simply because you don’t understand, in the end, you will see the heavens open up. God’s glory will be revealed in your life. He will do extraordinary things for you and reveal a side of Himself you have never seen.
A good, rich harvest is on the way for you. Eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard what He has in store. Greater glory, greater favor, greater blessings, greater breakthroughs, greater prosperity, and a greater demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit will be manifested in you.
To remind you of this truth and to reiterate what I just said so that it sticks in your mind and lingers in your heart, I’m stirring 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV right into your cup of inspiration, which says, “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, stop waiting for things to make sense, and declare by faith, “God is preparing something greater for me.” He’s up to something so special. Don’t be discouraged by delay or difficulty. Nothing can stop God or turn Him back from doing the good things He has planned.
Now let’s pray.
God, I don’t always understand Your plan, but I do trust Your power. I know You are working this out for my good, but most of all, it is for Your glory. Today, I say yes to Your will, and I believe that the best is yet come for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!