Blessings will spring forth
When my husband Kenya and I first accepted the assignment to take over City Church Buffalo, the ministry had very few members, no budget and numerous needs. Keeping things going required lots of elbow grease, personal finances and time. It was a huge sacrifice to say the least.
In the beginning stages, there were moments when the assignment felt overwhelming. Stepping into the roles of pastor and first lady threw our lives completely out of balance. We never envisioned being in this position, so initially we were overwhelmed, and it honestly seemed like we were way in over our heads! Ministry management is an enormous task—one that we were unsure of how to undertake. It was abundantly clear from the onset that if God did not intervene and order our steps, it wouldn’t work out.
Thankfully, God has proven Himself faithful as He always does by revealing strategies and insights to help us be effective in ministry. We could have never discovered or conceptualized such things on our own.
God’s ways and thoughts truly are not like ours (Isaiah 55:8); they are infinitely better. I am glad to say, He has favored City Church Buffalo and continues to help us effectively fulfill our Kingdom mandate to share the gospel, win the lost and help those in need. And just as the Lord has guided, provided, strengthened and favored us, He will do the same for you.
Earlier today, I was reading about Samson, one of the most famous judges of Israel. He was anointed and assigned by God to take vengeance on the Philistines who were Israel’s relentless rivals and fierce adversaries of God. In Judges 15:14-16, by the power of the Lord, Samson slew one thousand Philistine men using only the jawbone of a donkey. But, following that stunning victory, Samson reached a low point. He was exhausted and parched, but there was no water to quench his thirst.
At this point, Samson sank deep into discouragement. He had worked up a thirst fighting a battle God had ordained but saw no provision for his needs, so he cried out to the Lord (v.18). Samson said, “You have given your servant this great victory. Must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?”
Can’t you just sense Samson’s exasperation?
On the heels of the greatest victory of his life, he plummeted from the mountaintop of triumph into the pit of despair. He wondered, will the same God who called me also abandon me in my time of need? Will saying yes to this divine assignment be the death of me?
Of course not.
“God never calls you to a place and then fails to provide for you there. When you’re obedient to God, it’s only a matter of time before the blessings show up! ”
In response to Samson’s cry, right in the city of Lehi where Samson was located, God worked a miracle and a water spring supernaturally manifested. Just like that, Samson’s thirst was quenched. He was revived and restored, and God proved His faithfulness yet again.
Friend, will God not do the same for you?
Of course He will. Just hold fast to your faith. Even though you don’t see the way right now, expect God to make one. When you don’t know what God is doing and circumstances make no sense, trust the Lord. He won’t abandon you. He won’t forsake you in your moment of distress. He will not leave you in the valley stranded but will supply every need. He will open the door. He will equip you to thrive in the place where He has called you to operate. God never fails to show up in the lives of His obedient servants, so you can count on Him to show up for you.
Don’t try to predict the method or the outcome, however. Just say yes to God’s will. He will guide your footsteps and produce amazing outcomes.
Judges 15:19 tells us that the place where God supernaturally provided water for Samson was called En Hakkore, which means “the spring of him that called." This reminds you that when you call on God for help, He causes blessings, miracles and favor to spring forth in your dry place. Call on His name, and He will answer you.
To encourage you, I’m stirring Psalm 18:6 ESV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, be assured that the Lord sees you. He knows where you are. He is aware of your needs. He hears you every time you call, and He will cause blessings to spring forth when and where you least expect them.
Now, let’s pray.
God, it is my desire to please You and obey Your will, but things haven’t been working out the way I anticipated. I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are upon You. I trust You in the midst of it all, and I believe that You will cause blessings and favor to spring up as long as I stay submitted to Your will. By faith, I thank You for revealing Yourself in my circumstances and working miracles for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!