In times of crisis, Christ is
Social distancing has drastically altered the way we communicate and interact these days. In the Hobbs household, mornings and afternoons are full of mandatory conference calls and web conferences as everyone adjusts to the changes imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Discussing important matters through a computer screen, not at our offices or a local eatery, is the new norm— not just for us but millions of others too. Changing the way we handle ministry, business and professional relationships requires learning on the fly. Our old systems and processes are going through a major overhaul right now as we try to address the needs of those we serve in the midst of this transition.
No one was quite prepared for a crisis of this magnitude.
Today, after finishing up a long series of conference calls, my husband Kenya and I finally got a moment to chat. We both noted how different life feels and how everybody is doing their best to adapt. Then the conversation shifted, and he started talking about the importance of staying focused on God in times of crisis. I nodded my head in agreement, because that’s where our answers, blessings, favor, healing and help come from whenever we are in need.
In Numbers 21, Israel found themselves in a crisis, albeit a self-inflicted one. After God gave them victory over the Canaanites, they grew weary and impatient in the wilderness and spoke against God and Moses. As a result of their sinful irreverence, God sent venomous snakes that bit the people, sadly, killing many of them.
Once destruction fell upon them, the Israelites reevaluated their actions, repented of their sins, and requested that Moses intercede for them. When Moses prayed on their behalf, God had mercy on Israel and instructed Moses to make a bronze snake, and hoist it up on a pole. And whenever anyone who was bitten looked up at the snake, they would live.
In John 3:14–15, Jesus revealed that the bronze serpent in Numbers 21 was a representation of His crucifixion. He said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”
“Faith in Christ activates His power in your life. When You look to Him and believe in His resurrection power, He moves on your behalf and does miraculous things. Trust the Lord!”
Friend, because of Calvary, the poisonous venom of sin instantly lost its power over anyone that believes in Christ. Today, Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection still have power over sin and any affliction. When we look to the Savior who was lifted up, by His power, He lifts us up and rescues us from the attacks, struggles, ailments and crises that threaten to destroy us in this present world.
In times like these, I like to remember that we serve the God of the crisis, and I want you to remember that too. Though trouble may creep up on us and catch us off guard, God is not surprised by any trouble or attack. He stands ready, willing and able to help, deliver and rescue us in our time of need.
While the world yells crisis, you declare, Christ is.
Christ is my healer. Christ is my savior. Christ is my refuge. Christ is all-sufficient. Christ is greater than my crisis. In troubling times, cling to the promise of Psalm 27:5 KJV, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration. It says, “For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that Christ is the Rock upon which you stand, and He has you covered. In times of crisis, Christ is all you need.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for the finished work of Calvary and all the benefits I am entitled to because I have put my trust in You. In times of crisis, I rest in You, the all-sufficient One, and I know without a doubt that You will take care of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!