Worship through the worst
Keep a praise on your lips and a song in your heart no matter how rough the road. When you worship through the worst, God honors that. He will lift you up from your low place and prove Himself faithful once again. By His power, He’ll turn things around in your favor if you keep the faith, and don’t give up.
In times of crisis, Christ is
In times like these, remember that we serve the God of the crisis. Though trouble may creep up on us and catch us off guard, God is not surprised by any trouble or attack. He stands ready, willing and able to help, deliver and rescue us in our time of need. While the world yells crisis, you declare, Christ is.
It’s the start of a new season
What may appear to the be the end: the end of a job; the end of a relationship; the end of health; the end of happiness; and the end of something good is actually the start of something better. It’s the start of a new season. God will do even greater things. He is not finished with you yet.
God will do it totally & completely!
God has the power to turn your life around instantly. Expect your shift. God specializes in producing miraculous breakthroughs. No matter how bad it looks, how long it’s been, how difficult it is, and how unlikely it seems, our God is more than able to totally and completely shift things!
When it doesn't feel good
Part of spiritual maturity is accepting the will of God in all things. It’s easy to enthusiastically say yes to the will of God and declare His greatness when things go our way. But God wants a yes and a praise when He takes us down a path we don’t prefer.