Things will unfold as they should
Photo Credit: Getty/Rockaa
My youngest son, Kaleb, on the verge of his 18th birthday, has wrestled with profound questions. Questions about purpose, about life's deeper meaning, as he stands at the threshold of adulthood.
My husband, Kenya, and I marvel at how our once little boy, now a whip-smart, creative, and adorably quirky teen, is about to cross this significant milestone. It's a moment that makes us pause and ponder—how has the time flown so fast?
Kaleb's excitement for his birthday is tinged with introspection. He contemplates what it truly means to turn 18. Is there a new way he should be? A new persona he should adopt? Does maturity demand a shift in his laughter, a change in his joys, a different way to engage with the world? These questions mark the passage of life's seasons, the growth of a soul, the blossoming of a young man.
So, we sat down, Kaleb and I, and we spoke of life and its mysteries. I told him, "Kaleb, just be you—an awesome young man of integrity, loving God, embracing His will, following your passions, and God will guide you.” I stressed to him that there is no mold, no single way to be 18, no definitive marker of manhood. He is uniquely designed by God, and things will unfold as they should in the Lord’s perfect timing.
My almost 18-year-old then breathed a sigh of relief, that ten-ton weight of expectation lifting, dissipating like mist in the warmth of the truth. And isn't it just like us, at any age, to wonder about our place? To question our pace, to doubt our path?
We all carry these questions, these yearnings for certainty, these desires to know that we are right where we ought to be. But let me tell you, life isn't about holding all the answers; it's about trusting the One who does.
The Symphony of Sovereignty
Ah, yes, the world would have us believe that with age comes control—that we can orchestrate our lives down to the last note. But control? Ha! It's a myth, a mirage, a tune you think you know until the key changes and you find yourself lost in the melody.
God is the maestro, the composer of time itself, shifting seasons and spinning galaxies with the flick of His wrist. It's in His hands, my friend, not ours. He is the One who sets the rhythm of life, the tempo of our days, the cadence of our years. We dance to the beat He lays down, sometimes in the light, often in the shadows, always in His grace.
“Don’t spend a moment worrying about what the future holds. Just know, the One who holds the future has a good plan for you!”
In the sacred scriptures, in the book of Daniel 2:21, we are reminded that it is God who controls the times and the seasons. We can strive, we can plan, but it is God who directs our steps. We may set our sights on what we want, but it is God who reveals our purpose in His own divine way, in His own divine timing.
We must trust that things will unfold as they should.
Faith in the Unseen
In Acts 1, we find the apostles, hearts aflame with questions, after Jesus rose from the dead and fellowshipped with them before ascending back to heaven. They were seeking answers about the restoration of Israel. The Jews craved a kingdom, an earthly dominion, but Jesus, our Savior, our Teacher, our Guide, spoke a different word: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority” (v. 7).
Oh, can't you feel it? The tension of the unknown, the tremble of uncertainty, the ache for revelation. Yet, it is in this very tension, this very trembling, this very aching that faith takes flight. It is here that we learn to trust, to lean, to rest in the sovereignty of the Almighty.
Whether we are 18 or 81, there is a divine mystery to God's plan. We catch glimpses, yes, fleeting and precious. But often, we walk in the dark, hand in hand with faith. And in that darkness, in those moments of questioning, of existential wrestling, we must remind ourselves: We are held by a good God, a sovereign God, a strategic God. He is never off duty, never idle, always weaving a destiny too vast to comprehend and working for our good.
The Crescendo of Trust
God is working, even now, in the hidden places of your life. He's aligning your steps with His purpose, shaping your destiny with divine precision. He's orchestrating each moment, crafting each event, designing each encounter to lead you to His perfect plan.
His work is masterful, meticulous, miraculous. He's transforming your trials into triumphs, your tests into testimonies, your mess into a message. He's propelling you forward, guiding you toward a future filled with hope, with promise, with His unfailing love.
So, as I instructed Kaeb, I admonish you not to wrestle with unraveling the mysteries of the Most High. It’s a waste of time. Don't exhaust yourself, attempting to trace the silhouette of your destiny. Instead, bask in the assurance of God's perfect orchestration, for His design is without a single flaw.
Let your soul be anchored in the truth that God's ways are higher (Isaiah 55:8-9), His thoughts deeper, His intentions purer than anything we could conceive. His hand is steady, His eye is keen, and His heart is set on your ultimate good (Romans 8:28). He is architecting a masterpiece, painting a portrait of your life with strokes of grace and shades of glory (Ephesians 2:10).
God’s Beautiful Symphony
Rejoice in the knowledge that God's timetable is a beautiful symphony, each note resounding at the precise moment, each melody rising to the heavens, declaring that His promises are yes and amen.
Sing it from the mountaintops: God's timing is not just good—it's perfect. His strategy is not just sound—it's sublime. His vision for you is not just clear—it's consecrated. And in that perfect, sublime, consecrated timing, all things—every hope, every dream, every tear, every prayer—will converge in a crescendo of divine fulfillment. Things will unfold as they should.
Until that moment, dwell in this sacred space of expectancy, where anticipation meets faith, and where the extraordinary is birthed from the ordinary. Lift your hands, lift your heart, lift your voice in praise, for the God of time and eternity is choreographing your victory dance, and soon, oh very soon, you will step into the fullness of what He has promised.
Listen, I want you to take hold of this truth, to let it resonate in your spirit: God's timing is perfect. His way is perfect. His plan for you is perfect. And in His perfect timing, all things will come together for your good.
To remind you to trust God’s plan and timing, I’m stirring Psalm 31:14-15 as the sweetener in your cup of inspiration, which says, "But I trust in You, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in Your hands…’"
As you drink down the contents of your cup, may each divinely inspired word I have offered give comfort, reassurance and confirmation that the peace you seek is found in trust. So, trust in the Lord at all times, and in every season—no matter what it looks or feels like—and He will lead you to victory.
Now, let us pray with fervor and faith.
God, though the details of Your plan remain veiled, I place my trust in You amidst life's mysteries. What I cannot see, I believe You are orchestrating for my ultimate good. In due time, You will reveal the wonders of Your work, and things will unfold as they should. Until that day, I will wait with praise on my lips and faith in my heart, anticipating the breakthrough that You have promised. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!