This Broken Place
Dianna Hobbs shares her deeply personal journey through brain trauma and mental health struggles, revealing how God’s transformative power is most evident in our most shattered moments.
Discouraged? God’s not done
Things may not look the best today. Prayer requests may still be unanswered. But God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory!
Stand on what you know!
In the face of false evidence appearing real—which is an acronym for fear—God is saying to you, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 ESV). Stand on what you know!
You will hit your stride
If you’re going through something tough right now, hear the voice of the Lord speaking. He wants you to rejoice and know that He is smoothing out the rough places in your life, revealing His glory, making all things new, and causing you to hit your stride.
There is power in your mouth
What kind of words are you speaking? Think about it. Speaking faith-based words instead of fear-based words takes work, time, dedication, and practice. Our native, fleshly tongue, is accustomed to uttering words of fear, but we must train ourselves to utter words of faith.
Remember: All is not lost
Whatever you may lose along the way, the most valuable treasure, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh then died and rose for our sins, will never leave nor forsake you. He is with you always. He will lead you always. He will take care of you always. He will provide for you always. He will restore you always.
Feelings change; God’s word doesn’t
Remember, circumstances change, but God doesn’t. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He is good all the time. He is faithful every day. His mercies are new every morning. And feelings – though they are fickle and can contradict the word – can never change that truth.